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Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1980, 26, issue 5


Buntchuk A.V.,  Zhitkovskii Yu.Yu. «Scattering of sound by sea bottom in shallow regions (review)» p. 641-654

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 641-654 (1980) | Rubric: 07.08


Andronov A.A.,  Fabricant A.L. «To the theory of aerodynamic self-excitation of sound: amplification of surface waves» p. 655-662

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 655-662 (1980) | Rubrics: 06.13 08.08


Vasil'ev P.E.,  Yasyulenis E.I. «Use of laser intorferometry for study of ultrasonic vibration systems» p. 663-666

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 663-666 (1980) | Rubric: 04.14


Velizhanina K.A.,  Lebedeva I.V. «Study of resonant sound absorbers at high sonic level» p. 667-672

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 667-672 (1980) | Rubric: 10.07


Vovk I.V. «Calculation of sound transmission coefficient for a lattice with controlled elements compliance» p. 673-677

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 673-677 (1980) | Rubric: 04.03


Grigor'ev S.B.,  Denisov B.I.,  Mikhailov I.G. «Acoustic and dynamic viscoelastic properties of acrylic and metha-acrylic ethers» p. 678-684

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 678-684 (1980) | Rubric: 06.10


Grigor'evskii V.I.,  Plesskii V.P. «Attenuation of Rayleigh wave propagated along periodically uneven surface in cubic and hexagonal crystals» p. 685-689

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 685-689 (1980) | Rubric: 06.13


Gritsenko N.V.,  Kirshov V.A.,  Mikhailov V.V. «On determination of monopole strength in plane-parallel waveguide» p. 690-694

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 690-694 (1980) | Rubric: 04.11


Deshkunov N.V.,  Kuvshinov V.I.,  Kuvshinov G.I.,  Prokhorenko P.P. «Non-spherical collapse of cavitation bubble between two rigid walls» p. 695-699

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 695-699 (1980) | Rubric: 06.05


Dunin S.Z.,  Surkov V.V. «Nonlinear elastic waves in multicomponent media» p. 700-707

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 700-707 (1980) | Rubric: 05.13


Il'chenko M.A.,  Rudenko A.N.,  Epshtein V.L. «Study of vortex sound generation in the case of flow around a profile in waveguide» p. 708-717

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 708-717 (1980) | Rubric: 08.11


Kapustina O.A.,  Lupanov V.N.,  Shoshin V.M. «Features of kinetics of acoustooptical effect in smectic A-phase» p. 718-720

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 718-720 (1980) | Rubric: 06.17


Kasatkin B.A.,  Pavin N.Ya. «Multi parametric optimization and power evaluation of wideband piezotransducers» p. 721-725

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 721-725 (1980) | Rubrics: 04.01 04.11


Klezshev A.A. «On passive compensation ot scattered sound field» p. 726-731

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 726-731 (1980) | Rubric: 10.07


Krasil'nikov V.A.,  Krilov V.V. «On the theory of hypersonic surface waves in solids» p. 732-734

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 732-734 (1980) | Rubric: 06.13


Kulemin A.V. «Absorption of ultrasound in metals in the process of their plastic deformation» p. 735-740

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 735-740 (1980) | Rubric: 06.03


Lapin A.D. «Propagation of surface Love wave along boundary with periodic inhomogeneities» p. 741-748

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 741-748 (1980) | Rubric: 06.13


Leiko A.G. «Diffraction of plane sound waves on system of hollow elastic cylinders placed in unclosed annular layers» p. 749-758

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 749-758 (1980) | Rubric: 04.03


Mazanikov A.A.,  Tyutekin V.V.,  Fedoryuk M.V. «Actice sound absorption by spatial harmonics method» p. 759-763

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 759-763 (1980) | Rubric: 10.07


Maksakov A.A.,  Roi N.A. «On effectivity of compression pulse radiation of compressed gas exhaust in water» p. 764-768

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 764-768 (1980) | Rubrics: 07.13 07.19


Moiseev V.V.,  Nikiforov A.S. «On electric imitation of transients flexural wave fields in plates with stiffeness» p. 769-771

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 769-771 (1980) | Rubric: 04.01


Mkhitarov R.A. «Action of boundary layer suction on radiation spectrum of a thin plate vibrating under the action of pressure pulsations» p. 772-775

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 772-775 (1980) | Rubric: 04.11


Oboznenko I.L. «On noise stability of conformal antennas» p. 776-782

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 776-782 (1980) | Rubric: 07.19


Polyakova A.L.,  Sil'vestrova O.Yu. «On parametric radiator operating in a medium with gas hubbies» p. 783-787

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 783-787 (1980) | Rubric: 08.05


Siletskii S.M. «Directivity pattern by noncompensated arc array of infinite cylindrical elliptical radiators» p. 788-794

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 788-794 (1980) | Rubric: 04.11


Khazanov I.V. «On nonlinear interaction of waves inside acoustical resonator» p. 795-799

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 795-799 (1980) | Rubric: 05.04


Arabadzhii V.I. «On absorption of sound in humid air» p. 800-801

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 800-801 (1980) | Rubric: 06.01


Blank F.G. «Evaluation of mutual impedance of plane radiators in non-rigid baffle» p. 801-804

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 801-804 (1980) | Rubric: 04.11


Valatka R.Yu.,  Ionelyunas S.A.,  Pranyavitchyus L.I. «Analysis of surface acoustic waves propagation on monocrystal of niobate lithium in the process of H+ and Ne+ ions insertion» p. 804-805

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 804-805 (1980) | Rubric: 06.13


Gol'dberg V.N.,  Zarnitsina I.G.,  Fedoseeva T.N.,  Fridman V.E. «Intoraction of weak shock waves in a dissipative medium» p. 806-808

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 806-808 (1980) | Rubric: 05.03


Dulov V.A. «Brewster effect in acoustics and Konstantinov effect» p. 808-809

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 808-809 (1980) | Rubric: 04.03


Agranat B.A. «Short ultrasonic encyclopedia» p. 810-811

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 810-811 (1980) | Rubric: 02


Ìàëüöåâ Í.Å. «Sound transmission through a fluctuating ocean. S. M. Flatte (ed.) R. Dashen,, W. H. Munk, K. M. Watson, F. Zachariasen. Cambridge University Press.» p. 812-813

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 812-813 (1980) | Rubric: 02