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Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1989, 35, issue 4


Aralkin A.S.,  Mal'tsev N.E. «On one modification of VKB method» p. 577-583

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 577-583 (1989) | Rubric: 04.01


Babailov E.P.,  Stroganov G.D.,  Tesler V.D. «On fish-searching hydroacoustic equipment calibration» p. 584-589

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 584-589 (1989) | Rubric: 07.20


Burenkov S.V.,  Popov O.E. «On simulation of mode interactions in two-dimensional inhomogeneous waveguide» p. 590-595

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 590-595 (1989) | Rubric: 07.22


Valyaev A.B.,  Krivoshlykov S.G. «Propagation of waves in longitudinally-inhomogeneous refractional waveguides with asymmetric retraction index profile» p. 596-604

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 596-604 (1989) | Rubric: 04.09


Golubev V.N., Lobanov V.N., Petukhov Yu.V. «Augmentation effect of pulsed signal integral levels with rise of multiplicity of reflection from an oceanic waveguide bottom» p. 605-610

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 605-610 (1989) | Rubric: 07.11


Grigor'yan F.E. «Rectangular waveguide with bar-inhomogeneous filling» p. 611-615

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 611-615 (1989) | Rubric: 04.09


Grudzinskaya I.S.,  Pyatakov P.A. «Optical excitation of surface acoustic wave in a layered structure photo conductor-piezoelectric» p. 616-619

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 616-619 (1989) | Rubric: 06.13


Gurbatov S.N.,  Zaitsev V.Yu.,  Prontchatov-Rubtsov N.V. «On nonlinear generation of low-frequency, sound in a refractive acoustic waveguide» p. 620-625

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 620-625 (1989) | Rubric: 05.11


Devyaterikova E.A. «Parametric sound generation in linear antenna field» p. 626-628

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 626-628 (1989) | Rubric: 05.08


Efimov I.A.,  Kanaev B.A.,  Tartakovskii B.D. «Damping of ducts vibration by vibroabsorbing linings: experiment and calculation» p. 629-633

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 629-633 (1989) | Rubric: 10.07


Zhukov A.N.,  Ivannikov A.N.,  Kravtchenko D.I.,  Pavlov V.I. «Features of sound field fine energetic structure» p. 634-638

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 634-638 (1989) | Rubric: 04.11


Zabolotskaya E.A. «Second harmonic in a liquid layer» p. 639-645

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 639-645 (1989) | Rubric: 05.03


Zaitsev V.Yu. «Parametric sound radiation in high-gradient refractive waveguides» p. 646-651

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 646-651 (1989) | Rubric: 05.08


Zelenskii S.N. «On comparative analysis of operational characteristics of additive and correlational antennas» p. 652-658

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 652-658 (1989) | Rubric: 07.19


Ivanov L.D.,  Kessenikh G.G. «Surface acoustic wave existence in multilayered piezoelectric system» p. 659-666

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 659-666 (1989) | Rubric: 06.13


Ivina N.F. «Numerical analysis of eigen vibrations of circular piezoceramic finite dimension plates» p. 667-673

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 667-673 (1989) | Rubrics: 04.11 04.12


Kozhevnikova I.N. «Observational threshold conditions of forced sound scattering in a liquid and laminating solution» p. 674-677

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 674-677 (1989) | Rubric: 05.07


Kouzov D.P.,  Kravtsova T.S.,  Yakovleva V.G. «Scattering of vibrational waves on node joint of plates» p. 678-684

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 678-684 (1989) | Rubric: 04.04


Lazarev V.A.,  Orlov E.F.,  Fokin V.N.,  Sharonov G.A. «Frequency dependence of interference modulation parameters wide-band sound in a shallow sea» p. 685-688

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 685-688 (1989) | Rubric: 07.02


Lebedev A.V. «Effect of local inertia inhomogeneity on sound radiation by complex mechanical systems» p. 689-695

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 689-695 (1989) | Rubric: 04.11


Lukin A.N. «Evaluation of point source coordinates, placed in the vicinity of two media interface» p. 696-702

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 696-702 (1989) | Rubric: 12.06


Lybavin L.Ya.,  Netchaev A.G. «Acoustic interference ocean tomography» p. 703-710

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 703-710 (1989) | Rubric: 07.16


Nazarov V.E., Sutin A.M. «Generation of harmonics under propagation of elastic waves in solid nonlinear media» p. 711-716

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 711-716 (1989) | Rubric: 05.04


Orlov A.V. «On connection of sound velocity features in bottom precipitations and scattering hodograph in a deep ocean» p. 717-723

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 717-723 (1989) | Rubrics: 07.14 07.20


Piskarev A.L. «On calculation of averaged distributions of the sound fields intensity in the ocean» p. 724-731

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 724-731 (1989) | Rubric: 07.05


Poddubnyak A.P.,  Porokhovskii V.V. «Nonspecular reflection of bounded sound beam at an elastic sphere in a liquid» p. 732-737

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 732-737 (1989) | Rubric: 07.07


Sharfarets B.P. «Geometro-optical representation of a directed radiator field in inhomogeneous media» p. 738-742

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 738-742 (1989) | Rubric: 04.11


Arapov A.V.,  Gontcharov V.S.,  Jakovkin I.B. «Approximated calculation of normal wave parameters in a structure – solid body–liquid– solid body» p. 743-744

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 743-744 (1989) | Rubric: 04.08


Bezrukov A.V. «Some propagation features of normal waves in a shallow sea with inhomogeneous elastic bottom» p. 744-747

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 744-747 (1989) | Rubric: 07.02


Belova G.N.,  Soldatov P.V. «Laser acoustic sensor» p. 747-749

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 747-749 (1989) | Rubric: 06.17


Velizhanina K.A.,  Dudkin D.A.,  Khirnykh K.L. «Numerical solutions of a nonlinear acoustic hole resistance problem» p. 749-752

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 749-752 (1989) | Rubric: 05.07


Grudskaya O.N.,  Grudskii S.M.,  Rivelis E.A. «Numerical contribution study of various acoustic field parts in Pekeris and Sherman models» p. 752-753

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 752-753 (1989) | Rubric: 04.12


Donskoi D.M.,  Ekimov A.E.,  Lebedev A.V. «Radiating ability experimental study of shells of revolution with stiffeners» p. 754-756

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 754-756 (1989) | Rubric: 04.11


Kol'tsova I.S. «Attenuation and scattering of ultrasonic waves in the case of thermal action on biomatrix» p. 756-758

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 756-758 (1989) | Rubric: 13.02


Lane M.Yu.,  Nesterenko N.S. «Energetics criteria of acoustic quality of musical broadcasting studios» p. 758-760

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 758-760 (1989) | Rubric: 11.01


Tigranyan R.E.,  Shorokhov V.V. «Human head resonance characteristics and auditory hone conductivity thresholds» p. 760-762

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 760-762 (1989) | Rubric: 13.05


Vasil'ev A.N.,  Gaidukov Yu.P.,  Pogreb R.M. «Electromagnetic excitation of surface elastic waves in the region of magnetic phase transitions in holmium» p. 763-764

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 763-764 (1989) | Rubric: 06.13


Severin F.M.,  Solodov I.Yu. «Experimental observation of sound detection in the case of reflection from interface of solids» p. 764-765

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 764-765 (1989) | Rubric: 05.12