Zosimov V.V., Lyamshev L.M. «Fractals, Scaling in Acoustics» p. 709-737
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 709-737 (1994) | Rubric: 04.01
Aleksandrov I.A. «The Classification of Sea Ice according to the Type of Its Underside Profiles, the Reflection of Sound from Rough Ice of Various Types» p. 738-742
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 738-742 (1994) | Rubric: 07.14
Anosov A.A., Pasechnik V.I. «One-Dimensional Inverse Problems in Acoustothermography and Microwave Radiometry» p. 743-748
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 743-748 (1994) | Rubric: 06.18
Borisov N.G., Gritsenko A.V., Kozitskii S.B., Nikora O.I., Rutenko A.N., Trofimov M.Yu., Filonov A.E. «Underwater Sound Signal Fluctuations Caused by Internal Waves» p. 749-755
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 749-755 (1994) | Rubric: 07.03
Virovlyanskii A.L. «Use of Ocean Acoustic Tomography for Average Temperature Measurement» p. 756-761
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 756-761 (1994) | Rubric: 07.16
Vovk I.V., Zalutskii K.E., Krasnyi L.G. «Acoustic Model of the Human Respiratory System» p. 762-767
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 762-767 (1994) | Rubric: 13.06
Volodicheva M.I., Lopukhov K.V. «Effect of the Sphericity of an Acoustic Wave on Its Reflection Coefficient from a Plane Interface of Two Liquid Media» p. 768-772
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 768-772 (1994) | Rubric: 04.03
Goncharov V.V., Kurtepov V.M. «Formation, Propagation of Weakly Diverging Bundles of Rays in a Horizontally In homogeneous Ocean» p. 773-781
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 773-781 (1994) | Rubric: 04.16
Gusev E.L. «Aprioric Estimates for the Synthesis of Layered Structures by Acoustic Wave Action» p. 782-786
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 782-786 (1994) | Rubric: 12.02
Deliverov V.P., Lisienko V.G., Neshcheret P.A., Shlik O.E. «The Acoustic Spectrum of a Supersonic Jet as a Source of Information about Pulsational Flow Components» p. 787-793
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 787-793 (1994) | Rubric: 04.11
Eliseevnin V.A. «The Directive Factor of a Horizontal Linear Array in a Waveguide» p. 794-798
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 794-798 (1994) | Rubric: 07.19
Zakharov Yu.V., Kodanev V.P. «Experimental Study of an Underwater Acoustic Communication System with Pseudonoise Signals» p. 799-808
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 799-808 (1994) | Rubric: 07.17
Zavadskii V.Yu. «Hypothetical Conditions of Antireflection of Interface between Media» p. 809-811
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 809-811 (1994) | Rubric: 04.10
Kaksis A.O., Karabutov A.A., Podymova N.B., Ukharskii V.A. «Effect of Microplasticity on Ultrasonic Attenuation in Glass-Fiber Composites» p. 812-815
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 812-815 (1994) | Rubric: 06.03
Krasnyi L.G., Krizhanovskii V.V. «Optimization of Spatial, Temporal Processing of Multiray Signals in an Anisotropic Noise Field» p. 816-821
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 816-821 (1994) | Rubric: 12.01
Luk'yanov V.D., Nikitin G.L. «Scattering of Acoustic Waves on a Partition Separating Waveguides with Different Perfect Walls» p. 822-828
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 822-828 (1994) | Rubric: 04.04
Sazonov I.A. «Propagation of Harmonic Thermal Waves in a Shear Flow» p. 829-836
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 829-836 (1994) | Rubric: 06.18
Sobolev A.F. «Enhanced Attenuation in a Duct with a Locally Reacting Acoustical Lining in the Presence of a Flow» p. 837-843
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 837-843 (1994) | Rubric: 08.11
Galkin O.P., Pankova S.D. «Cross-Correlation of Signals Propagating in the Deep Ocean» p. 844-845
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 844-845 (1994) | Rubric: 07.04
Kabarukhin Yu.I. «Anomalous Radiation of a Parametric Sound Source with a Layer of Boundary-Surface Bubbles» p. 846-848
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 846-848 (1994) | Rubric: 05.08
Kornilov G.B., Lazarev A.V., Morozov A.I., Sungen' Zhang «Acoustic Microscopy: A New Method of Precious Stone Diagnostics» p. 849-850
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 849-850 (1994) | Rubric: 06.17
Yakovenko G.N. «The Possibility of Liquid Crystal-Based Internal Frequency Modulation of Laser Radiation» p. 851-853
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 851-853 (1994) | Rubric: 06.17
«The Second Session of the Acoustics Board of the Russian Academy of Sciences» p. 854-876
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 854-876 (1994) | Rubric: 01
Rudenko O.V. «50th Anniversary of the Acoustics Department of the Moscow State University» p. 877-878
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 877-878 (1994) | Rubric: 15.03
Lyamshev L.M. «CIS–USA Editorial Forum» p. 879
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 879 (1994) | Rubrics: 01 02
«Information for the Authors and Readers of the Akusticheskii Zhurnal (Journal of Acoustics)» p. 880
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 880 (1994) | Rubrics: 15.02 15.04