Urusovskii I.A. «The Sound Field in the Fresnel Zone of an Axially Symmetric Plane Emitter with Nonuniform Vibrational Velocity Distribution» p. 291-295
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 291-295 (2012) | Rubrics: 04.03 04.11
Kovalev V.F., Rudenko O.V. «Nonlinear Acoustic Waves in Channels with Variable Cross Sections» p. 296-303
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 296-303 (2012) | Rubrics: 05.02 08.11
Bakai S.A., Volchok O.I., Stoev P.I., Kamyshanchenko N.V., Kungurtsev E.S. «Effect of the Ultrasound Action on the Acoustic Emission and Mechanical Properties of Zirconium-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses» p. 304-307
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 304-307 (2012) | Rubric: 14.04
Polunin V.M., Shabanova I.A., Boev M.L., Lobova O.V., Postnikov E.B. «Cavitation Model of Self-Recovery of a Magnetic-Fluid Membrane» p. 308-315
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 308-315 (2012) | Rubric: 06.05
Grinyuk A.V., Burdukovskaya V.G., Zverev V.A., Kravchenko V.N., Kovalenko V.V., Luchinin A.G., Malekhanov A.I., Trofimov A.T., Trusova O.I., Smirnov I.P., Stromkov A.A., Khil’ko A.I. «Experimental Study of Mode Selection in Shallow-Water Sea» p. 316-329
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 316-329 (2012) | Rubric: 07.02
Katsnel’son B.G., Malykhin A.Yu. «Space–Time Sound Field Interference in the Horizontal Plane in a Coastal Slope Region» p. 330-337
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 330-337 (2012) | Rubric: 07.02
Kleshchev A.A. «Debye and Debye-Type Potentials in Diffraction, Radiation and Elastic Wave Propagation Problems» p. 338-341
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 338-341 (2012) | Rubric: 04.05
Kuz’kin V.M., Lun’kov A.A., Pereselkov S.A. «Frequency Shifts of Sound Field Maxima under the Effect of Intense Internal Waves» p. 342-349
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 342-349 (2012) | Rubric: 07.03
Morgunov Yu.N., Golov A.A., Strobykin D.S., Kim Kiseon, Kim Chansan, Ro Shinrae «Acoustic-Hydrophysical Testing of a Shallow Site in Coastal Waters of the Korean Strait» p. 350-355
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 350-355 (2012) | Rubric: 07.16
Rutenko A.N., Borovoi D.I., Gritsenko V.A., Petrov P.S., Ushchipovskii V.G., Boekholt M. «Monitoring the Acoustic Field of Seismic Survey Pulses in the Near-Coastal Zone» p. 356-369
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 356-369 (2012) | Rubric: 07.14
Glushkov E.V., Glushkova N.V., Fomenko S.I., Zhang C. «Surface Waves in Materials with Functionally Gradient Coatings» p. 370-385
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 370-385 (2012) | Rubric: 06.13
Lebedev A.V., Bredikhin V.V., Bretshtein Yu.S. «Correlation between Elastic Anisotropy and Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy of Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rock» p. 386-395
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 386-395 (2012) | Rubric: 09.01
Gorin S.V., Kuklin M.V. «On the Operating Efficiency of Helmholtz Resonators in Dead-End Waveguides Using Fluid Working Media» p. 396-401
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 396-401 (2012) | Rubric: 04.09
Orlov D.A., Turchin V.I., Fiks G.E., Fiks I.Sh. «Near-Field Measurement of Radiation Levels of Extended Spatially Uncorrelated Sound Sources» p. 402-408
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 402-408 (2012) | Rubric: 04.11