Andronov I.V. «Diffraction at an elliptical cylinder with a strongly prolate cross section» p. 219-226
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 219-226 (2014) | Rubric: 04.03
Lapin A.D. «Absorption of flexural waves by a pair of mechanical resonator chains mounted on a plate» p. 227-229
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 227-229 (2014) | Rubrics: 04.08 04.15
Grigorieva N.S., Fridman G.M. «Diffraction of sound pulses on an elastic spherical shell submerged in an oceanic waveguide» p. 230-239
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 230-239 (2014) | Rubrics: 04.06 07.02
Nikitenkova S.P., Pelinovskii E.N. «Analysis of the Rudenko-Solodov equation in the theory of highly nonlinear shear vibrations» p. 240-242
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 240-242 (2014) | Rubric: 05.02
Kapustina O.A., Kozhevnikov E.N., Chumakova S.P. «On the role of relaxation processes in the acoustic mechanism of supramolecular structure formation in nematic liquid crystals» p. 243-252
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 243-252 (2014) | Rubric: 06.02
Kleshchev A.A. «Resonance scattering of sound by spheroidal elastic bodies and shells» p. 253-261
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 253-261 (2014) | Rubrics: 04.06 04.08
Grigor’ev V.A., Katsnel’son B.G. «Sound fluctuations resulting from mode coupling in shallow-water internal waves» p. 262-271
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 262-271 (2014) | Rubrics: 07.03 07.13
Zagorskii L.S., Shkuratnik V.L. «Application of almost-periodic functions for seismic profiling» p. 272-278
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 272-278 (2014) | Rubrics: 09.04 09.06
Sukhanov D.Ya., Kalashnikova M.A. «Remote ultrasonic defectoscopy of sound radiating objects through the air» p. 279-283
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 279-283 (2014) | Rubrics: 12.05 14.04
Malyshkin G.S. «Analysis of the effect of various physical and technical factors on the efficiency of adaptive algorithms of processing of hydroacoustic signals» p. 284-299
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 284-299 (2014) | Rubrics: 07.21 12.01
Leonov A.S., Sorokin V.N. «Two parametric voice source models and their asymptotic analysis» p. 300-311
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 300-311 (2014) | Rubric: 13.05
Astashev M.E., Belosludtsev K.N., Kharakoz D.P. «Method for digital measurement of phase-frequency characteristics for a fixed-length ultrasonic spectrometer» p. 312-319
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 312-319 (2014) | Rubrics: 06.02 13.04 14.08
Antonets V.A., Kazakov V.V. «On noninvasive assessment of acoustic fields acting on the fetus» p. 320-326
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 320-326 (2014) | Rubric: 13.01
Rumyantsev V.V., Fedorov S.A., Gumennik K.V. «Numerical simulation of acoustic excitations in an imperfect 1D superlattice» p. 327-331
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 327-331 (2014) | Rubric: 06.07
Kanev N.G. «Acoustic method for measuring air temperature and humidity in rooms» p. 332-335
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 332-335 (2014) | Rubric: 08.13
«Erratum to: Measuring the acoustic absorption coefficient in biological tissue specimens using ultrasonic phase conjugation. [Acoustical Physics 60, 199 (2013)] Smagin N.V., Krutyansky L.M., Zelenova Z.V., Brysev A.P. » p. 336
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 336 (2014) | Rubrics: 12.07 13.02 15.05
«Erratum to: "Experimental simulation of hydrodynamic flow noises in an autonomous marine laboratory" [Acoustical Physics 59, 187 (2013)] Kudashev E.B., Kolyshnitsyn V.A., Marshov V.P., Tkachenko V.M., Tsvetkov A.M.» p. 336
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 336 (2014) | Rubrics: 07.15 15.05