Andronov I.V., Andronov N.I. «Plane Wave Diffraction by a Strongly Elongated Three-Axis Ellipsoid» p. 351-360
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 351-360 (2021) | Rubric: 04.03
Zakharov D.D. «Konenkov’s Edge Bending Waves in Isotropically Laminated and FGM Plates» p. 361-370
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 361-370 (2021) | Rubric: 04.05
Kotelnikova L.M., Nikolae D.A., Tsysar S.A., Sapozhnikov O.A. «Determination of the Elastic Properties of a Solid Sphere Based on the Results of Acoustic Beam Scattering» p. 371-386
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 371-386 (2021) | Rubrics: 04.06 14.04
Korobov A.I., Kokshaiskii A.I., Mikhalev E.S., Odina N.I., Shirgina N.V. «A Study of the Elastic Properties of the Polymer PLA by Static and Ultrasonic Methods» p. 387-394
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 387-394 (2021) | Rubrics: 04.16 14.04
Kalinina V.I., Smirnov I.P., Khilko A.I., Malekhanov A.I. «Comparative Analysis of the Noise Immunity of Algorithms for Reconstructing Seabed Geoacoustic Parameters by the Coherent Sounding Technique» p. 395-412
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 395-412 (2021) | Rubrics: 07.14 09.04
Makarov D.V. «Application of the Discrete Variable Representation Approach to Formation of Amplitude–Phase Field Distributions on a Vertical Array in a Waveguide» p. 413-430
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 413-430 (2021) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.19
Kopiev V.F., Bychkov O.P., Kopiev V.A., Faranosov G.A., Moralev I.A., Kazansky P.N. «Control of Instability Waves in an Unexcited Turbulent Jet Using Plasma Actuators in a Narrow Frequency Band» p. 431-439
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 431-439 (2021) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Kuznetsov G.N., Pudovkin A.A., Subbotkin A.O. «Equations for Calculating the Amplitude–Frequency and Phase–Frequency Responses of a Tripole-Type Vector–Scalar Receiver with a Time Delay of a Monopole Signal» p. 440-449
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 440-449 (2021) | Rubric: 07.19
Mirgorodskii V.I., Gerasimov V.V., Gerus A.V., Peshin S.V., Zhuchkova S.M. «Registration of Human Respiration Signals from Temporal Regions of the Head» p. 450-453
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 450-453 (2021) | Rubric: 13.06
Safronova M.A., Shiryaev A.D., Korenbaum V.I. «Analysis of the Harmonics of Wheezing Sounds in Human Forced Exhalation Noise» p. 454-464
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 454-464 (2021) | Rubric: 13.06