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Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2021, 67, issue 5


Mogilevich L.I.,  Blinkov Yu.A.,  Ivanov S.V. «Strain Waves in Nonlinear Coaxial Shells Filled with a Viscous Incompressible Fluid» p. 467-474

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 467-474 (2021) | Rubric: 04.15


Kazakov L.I. «Resonance Air Noise Absorber» p. 475-481

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 475-481 (2021) | Rubric: 10.07


Podymova N.B.,  Karabutov A.A. «Conversion of Thermooptically Excited Broadband Pulses of Longitudinal Acoustic Waves into Pulses of Shear Waves in an Isotropic Solid Plate in a Liquid» p. 482-492

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 482-492 (2021) | Rubric: 06.17


Aksenov S.P.,  Kuznetsov G.N. «Amplitude and Phase Structure of a Low-Frequency Hydroacoustic Field in the Deep Ocean» p. 493-504

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 493-504 (2021) | Rubric: 07.01


Petukhov Yu.V.,  Borodina E.L. «Influence of Bottom Irregularities on Caustic Beam Propagation in Oceanic Waveguides» p. 505-513

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 505-513 (2021) | Rubric: 07.14


Raevskii M.A.,  Burdukovskaya V.G. «Multiple Scattering of Ocean Noise by Wind Waves in Shallow Water» p. 514-520

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 514-520 (2021) | Rubric: 07.10


Sorokin M.A.,  Petrov P.S.,  Kaplunenko D.D.,  Golov A.A.,  Morgunov Yu.N. «Predicting Effective Propagation Velocities of Acoustic Signals using an Ocean Circulation Model» p. 521-532

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 521-532 (2021) | Rubric: 07.21


Tyshchenko A.G.,  Zaikin O.S.,  Sorokin M.A.,  Petrov P.S. «A Program based on the Wide-Angle Mode Parabolic Equations Method for Computing Acoustic Fields in Shallow Water» p. 533-541

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 533-541 (2021) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.21


Lebedev A.V. «Directivity Pattern of Low-Frequency Atmospheric Sound Excited by Sources in Water» p. 542-550

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 542-550 (2021) | Rubric: 08.02


Davydov V.S.,  Steblyanko D.V. «Identification of Incipient Defects in New Ship Machinery Units During Adaptive Vibration Diagnostics Based on Multidimensional Features» p. 551-560

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 551-560 (2021) | Rubric: 14.04


Tito S.A.,  Burlakov A.B.,  Bogachenkov A.N. «Sonography of the Heart of Weatherfish Misgurnus fossilis at the Prelarval Stage of Development» p. 571-580

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 5, p. 571-580 (2021) | Rubrics: 12.05 13.01


Mebarki M., Laidoudi F., Boubenider F. «Numerical Study of S0 Lamb Mode Resonator based on c-BN/AlN for 5G Operating Acoustic Devices» pp. 457-464

Acoustical Physics, 67, 5, pp. 457-464 (2021) | Rubrics: 04.05 06.13 12.02


Farcas C.A., Szopos E., Saracut I., Neag M., Topa M.D. «Experiments on Multiple-point Room Equalization Applied to Medium-sized Enclosed Spaces» pp. 537-552

Acoustical Physics, 67, 5, pp. 537-552 (2021) | Rubrics: 10.09 11.01 11.02


Milekhina O.N., Nechaev D.I., Tomozova M.S., Supin A.Ya. «Resolution of Rippled Spectra at Various Center Frequencies and Bandwidths of Sound Stimuli» pp. 553-561

Acoustical Physics, 67, 5, pp. 553-561 (2021) | Rubrics: 13.06 13.01 13.08