Esipov I.B. «Seminar “Current problems of acoustics – successes in acoustics 2019” of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Acoustics» 65, p. 861-862 (2019)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 65, 6, p. 861-862 (2019) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P., Filippenko G.V. «Information on the Work of the St.Petersburg Seminar on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2011» 58, p. 663-664 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 5, p. 663-664 (2012) | Rubric: 01
Kop'ev V.F. «Second National Conference on Aviation Acoustics» 58, p. 286 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 2, p. 286 (2012) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P., Filippenko G.V. «On the Work of the St. Petersburg Seminar on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics of the RAS Scientific Council on Acoustics in 2010» 57, p. 719-720 (2011)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 57, 5, p. 719-720 (2011) | Rubric: 01
«Abstracts of Reports of Reports from the Russian Acoustical Society 2010 Yearbook, S.A.Rybak’s Seminar "Acoustics of Inhomogeneous Media"» 57, p. 545-549 (2011)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 57, 4, p. 545-549 (2011) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P., Filippenko G.V. «The Work of the St.Petersburg Seminar on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 57, p. 431-432 (2011)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 57, 3, p. 431-432 (2011) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P. «Information on the Work of the St. Petersburg Seminar on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics with the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Acoustics in 2008» 55, p. 863-864 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 6, p. 863-864 (2009) | Rubric: 01
«Activities of Rybak’s Seminar–Workshop on the Acoustics of Inhomogeneous Media in 2007» 55, p. 270-272 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 2, p. 270-272 (2009) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P. «The Work of the St. Petersburg Seminar on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2007» 54, p. 1031-1032 (2008)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 6, p. 1031-1032 (2008) | Rubric: 01
Yudina E.V. «XII Workshop on Ocean Acoustics by Academician L.M. Brekhovskikh Joint with the XXI Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 54, p. 1030 (2008)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 6, p. 1030 (2008) | Rubric: 01
Tokmakova S.P. «Information on the Activities of Rybak's Seminar on Acoustics of Inhomogeneous Media in 2006» 53, p. 878-880 (2007)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 53, 6, p. 878-880 (2007) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P. «Information on the Activities of the St. Petersburg Seminar on Computational, Theoretical Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 53, p. 876-877 (2007)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 53, 6, p. 876-877 (2007) | Rubric: 01
Petronyuk Yu.S., Sarnatskii V.M. «A Visit Session of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dedicated to the Centennial Anniversary of Professor I. G. Mikhailov» 53, p. 873-875 (2007)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 53, 6, p. 873-875 (2007) | Rubric: 01
Tomilina T.M. «Conference "Vibration Acoustics of Machines and Structures"» 53, p. 735-736 (2007)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 53, 5, p. 735-736 (2007) | Rubric: 01
Tokmakova S.P. «Rybak's Seminar on Acoustics of Inhomogeneous Media in 2005» 52, p. 862-864 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 6, p. 862-864 (2006) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P. «Information on the Activities of the St. Petersburg Seminar on Computational, Theoretical Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences m 2005» 52, p. 720 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 5, p. 720 (2006) | Rubric: 01
Esipov I.B. «Modern Lines of Acoustics: Prospects and Applications. Session of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 52, p. 432 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 3, p. 432 (2006) | Rubric: 01
Petronyuk Yu.S. «Nonlinear Acoustic Diagnostics – the Scientific Session of the Physical Science Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 52, p. 430-432 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 3, p. 430-432 (2006) | Rubric: 01
Myshinskii E.L. «Scientific-Engineering Conference "Ship Acoustics–2005"» 51, p. 704 (2005)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 51, 5, p. 704 (2005) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P. «Information on the Activities of the St. Petersburg Seminar on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2004» 51, p. 702-703 (2005)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 51, 5, p. 702-703 (2005) | Rubric: 01
Kotov L.N. «Magnetoacoustics and Acoustoelectronics. Session of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 51, p. 570-573 (2005)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 51, 4, p. 570-573 (2005) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P. «Information on the Activities of the St. Petersburg Seminar on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2003» 50, p. 719-720 (2004)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 50, 5, p. 719-720 (2004) | Rubric: 01
«XV Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 50, p. 287 (2004)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 50, 2, p. 287 (2004) | Rubric: 01
«X Brekhovskikh's Workshop on Ocean Acoustics and the XIV Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 49, p. 864 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 6, p. 864 (2003) | Rubric: 01
Egerev S.V. «Session of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Memory of Professor Leonid Mikhailovich Lyamshev» 49, p. 858-860 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 6, p. 858-860 (2003) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P. «Information on the Activities of the St. Petersburg Seminar on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2002» 49, p. 719-720 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 5, p. 719-720 (2003) | Rubric: 01
«XI Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 48, p. 839 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 6, p. 839 (2002) | Rubric: 01
«XI Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 48, p. 697 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 5, p. 697 (2002) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P. «St. Petersburg Seminar on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 48, p. 575-576 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 4, p. 575-576 (2002) | Rubrics: 01 15.03
«XI Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 48, p. 552 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 4, p. 552 (2002) | Rubric: 01
«10th International Congress on Sound and Vibration» 48, p. 432 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 3, p. 432 (2002) | Rubric: 01
Bobrovnitskii Yu.I. «5th International Conference on Vibration Problems» 48, p. 430-431 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 3, p. 430-431 (2002) | Rubric: 01
Egerev S.V. «4th Russian Research-Engineering Conference "State of the Art and Problems of Navigation and Oceanography"» 48, p. 131-132 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 1, p. 131-132 (2002) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «International Symposium on Hydroacoustics» 47, p. 862-864 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 6, p. 862-864 (2001) | Rubric: 01
«XII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society Combined with the IX Workshop on Ocean Acoustics Dedicated to the 85th Birthday of Academician L. M. Brekhovskikh» 47, p. 720 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 5, p. 720 (2001) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «The 8th International Workshop on Modern Acoustics – Nondestructive Evaluation» 47, p. 573-576 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 4, p. 573-576 (2001) | Rubric: 01
Kouzov D.P., Shenderov E.L. «St. Petersburg Workshop on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics Held in 2000 by the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 47, p. 570-572 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 4, p. 570-572 (2001) | Rubrics: 01 15.03
Lyamshev L.M. «International Editorial Forum» 47, p. 288 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 2, p. 288 (2001) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «The 7th International Congress on Sound and Vibration» 47, p. 130-132 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 1, p. 130-132 (2001) | Rubric: 01
Àíäðååâà È.Á., Ëûñàíîâ Þ.Ï. «VIII Brekhovskikh Workshop on Ocean Acoustics» 46, p. 861-864 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 6, p. 861-864 (2000) | Rubric: 01
«St. Petersburg Workshop on Computational and Theoretical Acoustics Held by the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1999» 46, p. 718-720 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 5, p. 718-720 (2000) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 46, p. 287-288 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 2, p. 287-288 (2000) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «The 15th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics» 46, p. 124-126 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 1, p. 124-126 (2000) | Rubric: 01
Dubrovskii N.A. «Academician L. M. Brekhovskikh: Person, Scientist» 45, p. 677 (1999)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 5, p. 677 (1999) | Rubric: 01
«X Session of Russian Acoustic Society» 45, p. 717 (1999)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 5, p. 717 (1999) | Rubric: 01
«Information from the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 45, p. 717 (1999)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 5, p. 717 (1999) | Rubric: 01
Mikhailov V.G. «Scientific Conference "Modern Speech Technologies". Moscow, January 26–28, 1999» 45, p. 574-576 (1999)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 4, p. 574-576 (1999) | Rubric: 01
Andreeva I.B. «Seventh Advanced-Study School of Academician L.M. Brekhovskikh and the VII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 44, p. 861-862 (1998)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 6, p. 861-862 (1998) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «Sixth Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 44, p. 570-572 (1998)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 4, p. 570-572 (1998) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «Conferences on Acoustics in Poland» 44, p. 285-288 (1998)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 2, p. 285-288 (1998) | Rubric: 01
«The 7th Spring School for Acousto-Optics and Its Applications» 43, p. 864 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 6, p. 864 (1997) | Rubric: 01
«Advanced-Study School on Ocean Acoustics» 43, p. 720 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 5, p. 720 (1997) | Rubric: 01
«Ultrasonic Technological Processes'98 Scientific and Technological Conference» 43, p. 719 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 5, p. 719 (1997) | Rubric: 01
Esipov I.B. «Fifth Session of the Russian Acoustical Society and the School on the Problems of Geoacoustics: Methods and Means» 43, p. 431-432 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 3, p. 431-432 (1997) | Rubric: 01
Bibikov N.G. «Symposium on Acoustical Signal Processing in the Central Auditory System» 43, p. 429-430 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 3, p. 429-430 (1997) | Rubric: 01
«Session of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Council of the Andreev Acoustics Institute in Honor of the 90th Birthday of Professor Yu.M. Sukharevskii» 43, p. 274 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 2, p. 274 (1997) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «9th International Conference on Photoacoustics and Photothermal Phenomena» 43, p. 124-126 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 1, p. 124-126 (1997) | Rubric: 01
Kallistratova M.A. «VIII International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Oceans (ISARS '96)» 43, p. 123 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 1, p. 123 (1997) | Rubric: 01
«A Conference on Scientific and Technical Problems "Ultrasound: Physics and Technology"» 42, p. 876-877 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 6, p. 876-877 (1996) | Rubric: 01
Bibikov N.G. «The First Forum of the European Acoustics Association» 42, p. 874-875 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 6, p. 874-875 (1996) | Rubric: 01
«VIth International Spring School on Acousto-Optics and Applications» 42, p. 592 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 4, p. 592 (1996) | Rubric: 01
«The 5th Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 42, p. 302 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 2, p. 302 (1996) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «Editorial Meeting of the Editors-in-Chief of Physical Journals» 42, p. 301 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 2, p. 301 (1996) | Rubric: 01
Tomilina T.M. «Active 95, Inter-Noise 95» 42, p. 299-300 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 2, p. 299-300 (1996) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «A Summary of the 15th International Congress on Acoustics» 42, p. 296-298 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 2, p. 296-298 (1996) | Rubric: 01
«Session of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 42, p. 144 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 1, p. 144 (1996) | Rubric: 01
«VIIIth International Symposium on Remote Acoustic Probing of the Atmosphere and the Ocean (ISARS'96) scheduled on May 27–31, 1996, Moscow, Russia» 41, p. 941 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 6, p. 941 (1995) | Rubric: 01
«IV International Congress on Aerial and Structural Sound and Vibration» 41, p. 671 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 4, p. 671 (1995) | Rubric: 01
«The Third Scientific Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 41, p. 650-670 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 4, p. 650-670 (1995) | Rubric: 01
Golenishchev-Kutuzov V.A., Freik A.D., Shavrov V.G. «The XVI All-Russian Conference on AcoustoelecIronies and Physical Acoustics of Solids, with International Participation» 41, p. 520-522 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 3, p. 520-522 (1995) | Rubric: 01
Mit'ko V.B. «The First St. Petersburg International Conference on Conversion Technologies of Hydroacoustics (GA-94)» 41, p. 519 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 3, p. 519 (1995) | Rubric: 01
Nikiforov A.S. «The Second International Symposium Transport Noise and Vibration» 41, p. 518 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 3, p. 518 (1995) | Rubric: 01
«Third Scientific Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 41, p. 494-517 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 3, p. 494-517 (1995) | Rubric: 01
«Symposium: "The Interaction of Ultrasound with Biological Medium"» 40, p. 1006-1007 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 6, p. 1006-1007 (1994) | Rubric: 01
«Session of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 40, p. 1006 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 6, p. 1006 (1994) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «CIS–USA Editorial Forum» 40, p. 879 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 879 (1994) | Rubrics: 01 02
«The Second Session of the Acoustics Board of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 40, p. 854-876 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 854-876 (1994) | Rubric: 01
Egerev S.V. «The 8th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena» 40, p. 701-702 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 4, p. 701-702 (1994) | Rubric: 01
«Worksshops on Aviation Acoustics» 40, p. 510-526 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 3, p. 510-526 (1994) | Rubric: 01
«The Second Session of the Acoustics Board of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 40, p. 464-509 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 3, p. 464-509 (1994) | Rubric: 01
«The Second Session of the Acoustics Board of the Russian Academv of Sciences» 40, p. 323-350 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 2, p. 323-350 (1994) | Rubric: 01
«Session of the Acoustics Board of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 40, p. 150-175 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 1, p. 150-175 (1994) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «The 6th International Symposium on Nondestructive Control of Materials» 39, p. 1146-1147 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 6, p. 1146-1147 (1993) | Rubric: 01
Lane M.Yu. «The 94th International Congress of the Audio Engineering Society (AES)» 39, p. 1145 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 6, p. 1145 (1993) | Rubric: 01
Åñèïîâ È.Á. «6th Spring School on Acoustooptics and its Applications» 39, p. 1145 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 6, p. 1145 (1993) | Rubric: 01
«International Conference "NOISE-93"» 39, p. 959 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 5, p. 959 (1993) | Rubric: 01
«Session of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Problem "Acoustics"» 39, p. 959 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 5, p. 959 (1993) | Rubric: 01
Bobrovnitskii Yu.I. «1st Session of the Russian Acoustical Society» 39, p. 559 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 3, p. 559 (1993) | Rubric: 01
Nikiforov A.S. «International symposium "Transport noise and vibration"» 39, p. 186 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 1, p. 186 (1993) | Rubric: 01
Lane M. «Formation of the Russian AES section» 39, p. 185-186 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 1, p. 185-186 (1993) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «XIV International Congress on Acoustics» 39, p. 184-185 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 1, p. 184-185 (1993) | Rubric: 01
Al'shits V.I. «On role of anisotropy in crystal acoustics» 38, p. 1121-1123 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 6, p. 1121-1123 (1992) | Rubric: 01
Markov A.I. «All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference "New technological machinery and equipment – experience of its application" (Ultrasound-91)» 38, p. 380-381 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 2, p. 380-381 (1992) | Rubric: 01
Egerev S.V. «VII International Conference on photoacoustics and photoheat phenomena» 38, p. 189 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 1, p. 189 (1992) | Rubric: 01
Ostrovskii L.A. «XII International symposium on nonlinear acoustics» 37, p. 827-828 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 4, p. 827-828 (1991) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «The First French acoustic conference» 37, p. 411-414 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 2, p. 411-414 (1991) | Rubric: 01
Bibikov N.G., Dubrovskii N.A. «Working meeting: "Fundamental and applied aspects of hearing investigations"» 37, p. 410-411 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 2, p. 410-411 (1991) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on problem "Acoustics"» 36, p. 938 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 5, p. 938 (1990) | Rubric: 01
Truneva E.A. «On IX scientific-technical conference on aviation acoustics» 36, p. 573 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 3, p. 573 (1990) | Rubric: 01
Nikiforov A.S. «Scientific session of the scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on problem "Acoustics"» 36, p. 572-573 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 3, p. 572-573 (1990) | Rubric: 01
Lebedeva I.V. «All-union acoustic seminar in Tashkent» 36, p. 571-572 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 3, p. 571-572 (1990) | Rubric: 01
Gavrilov L.R. «Ultrasound in biology and medicine» 36, p. 570-571 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 3, p. 570-571 (1990) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of Scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on a problem "Acoustics" (acoustics in medicine and biology)» 35, p. 1118-1126 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 6, p. 1118-1126 (1989) | Rubric: 01
Muzitchenko V.V. «The first All Union School of Young Scientists "Modern problems of acoustics"» 34, p. 954-955 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 5, p. 954-955 (1988) | Rubric: 01
Budzinskii G., Slivinskii A. «On conference "Prospect of modern acoustics – formation and development problems"» 34, p. 954 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 5, p. 954 (1988) | Rubric: 01
Tchernyshov V.B. «The V-th Interdisciplinary Seminar on problems of modern electro acoustics (ELA-87)» 34, p. 762-763 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 4, p. 762-763 (1988) | Rubric: 01
Nikiforov A.S. «Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Science of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and technical acoustics"» 34, p. 760-762 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 4, p. 760-762 (1988) | Rubric: 01
Lebedeva I.V. «The VII-th Acoustic conference in GDR» 34, p. 760 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 4, p. 760 (1988) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Science of USSR on complex problem physical and technical acoustics on the theme of "Acouslic sounding methods of natural media"» 34, p. 188-199 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 1, p. 188-199 (1988) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «XII International acoustical congress» 33, p. 570-573 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 3, p. 570-573 (1987) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and technical acoustics"» 32, p. 831-841 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 6, p. 831-841 (1986) | Rubric: 01
Nikiforov A.S. «Scientific session of the United Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 32, p. 713-715 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 5, p. 713-715 (1986) | Rubric: 01
Kulitchkov S.N. «On section mooting "Atmospherical acoustics"» 32, p. 567 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 4, p. 567 (1986) | Rubric: 01
Lebedeva I.V. «The 24th Acoustic conference in Czechoslovakia» 32, p. 282-283 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 2, p. 282-283 (1986) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific Session of the Joint Scientific Council of the USSR on a complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 31, p. 694-710 (1985)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 31, 5, p. 694-710 (1985) | Rubric: 01
Ostrovskii L.A. «International symposium on nonlinear acoustics» 31, p. 412 (1985)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 31, 3, p. 412 (1985) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «The IV-th Congress FASE» 31, p. 281-282 (1985)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 31, 2, p. 281-282 (1985) | Rubric: 01
Kuz'kin V.M. «Conference on technical equipment for ocean acoustic sounding experiments» 31, p. 280 (1985)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 31, 2, p. 280 (1985) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and technical acoustics"» 31, p. 270-274 (1985)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 31, 2, p. 270-274 (1985) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United scientific council of the Academy of Science of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and technical acoustics"» 30, p. 698-713 (1984)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 5, p. 698-713 (1984) | Rubric: 01
Kuz'menko V.A. «Ultrasonics International 83» 30, p. 571-572 (1984)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 4, p. 571-572 (1984) | Rubric: 01
Gavrilov L.R. «Ultrasonics in Biology, Medicine (UBIOMED VI)» 30, p. 570-571 (1984)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 4, p. 570-571 (1984) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «Eleventh International Congress on Acoustics» 30, p. 411-412 (1984)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 3, p. 411-412 (1984) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific Session of the Joint Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the Complex Problem: Physical, Technical Acoustics, with the theme "Wave Interaction"» 30, p. 397-410 (1984)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 3, p. 397-410 (1984) | Rubric: 01
Gavrilov L.R. «Interaction of ultrasound with biological media» 30, p. 284-285 (1984)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 2, p. 284-285 (1984) | Rubric: 01
Naugolnikh K.A. «The 3-rd All-Union Symposium on physics of acousto-hydrodynamical phenomena and optoacoustics» 29, p. 570-572 (1983)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 4, p. 570-572 (1983) | Rubric: 01
Akopyan V.B., Maev R.G. «The 3-rd World Congress "Ultrasound in medicine and biology". The 5-th World Congress "Ultrasound in medicine and biology"» 29, p. 570 (1983)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 4, p. 570 (1983) | Rubric: 01
Vasil'tsov E.A. «Third Far-Eastern Acoustics Conference» 29, p. 413-414 (1983)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 3, p. 413-414 (1983) | Rubric: 01
Bogolepov I.I. «Acoustics Conference in Leningrad» 29, p. 412-413 (1983)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 3, p. 412-413 (1983) | Rubric: 01
Sarvazyan A.P. «International conference "Biological action of radiofrequency, microwave and ultrasonic radialion"» 28, p. 713-714 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 5, p. 713-714 (1982) | Rubric: 01
Gavrilov L.R. «Ultrasound in biology and medicine» 28, p. 711-712 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 5, p. 711-712 (1982) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and technical acoustics"» 28, p. 700-710 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 5, p. 700-710 (1982) | Rubric: 01
Sarvazyan A.P. «International conference "Ultrasound–81"» 28, p. 573 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 4, p. 573 (1982) | Rubric: 01
Vlasov E.V., Munin A.G. «The 7th scientific technical conference on aviation acoustics» 28, p. 572-573 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 4, p. 572-573 (1982) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the united scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and technical acoustics" and scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the problem "Ulrasound"» 28, p. 566-571 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 4, p. 566-571 (1982) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSK on complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 28, p. 421-425 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 3, p. 421-425 (1982) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the complex problem "Physical and technical acoustics"» 28, p. 130-139 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 1, p. 130-139 (1982) | Rubric: 01
Voronovitch A.G. «The first All Union School-seminar on ocean acoustics» 28, p. 140 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 1, p. 140 (1982) | Rubric: 01
Esipov I.B. «The X-th International Acoustic Congress and International Acoustic Conference» 27, p. 476-477 (1981)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 27, 3, p. 476-477 (1981) | Rubric: 01
Gavrilov L.R. «Ultrasonic interactions in biology and medicine» 27, p. 475-476 (1981)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 27, 3, p. 475-476 (1981) | Rubric: 01
Bibikov N.G. «Neuron auditory mechanisms symposium» 27, p. 474 (1981)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 27, 3, p. 474 (1981) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 27, p. 457-473 (1981)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 27, 3, p. 457-473 (1981) | Rubric: 01
Êàñîåâ Ñ.Ã. «The 2nd All Union Symposium on the physics of acoustohydrodynamical phenomena and optoacoustics» 26, p. 634-635 (1980)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 4, p. 634-635 (1980) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 26, p. 609-633 (1980)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 4, p. 609-633 (1980) | Rubric: 01
Sarvazyan A.P. «The second meeting of All World Federation on application of ultrasound in medicine and biology and the IVth All Union Congress on application of ultrasound in medicine» 26, p. 474-475 (1980)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 3, p. 474-475 (1980) | Rubric: 01
Gavrilov L.R., Mikhailov I.G. «Interaction of ultrasound with biological medium» 26, p. 472-473 (1980)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 3, p. 472-473 (1980) | Rubrics: 01 13.01
Kolesnikov A.E. «Book review: G. L. Osipova, D. Z. Lopasheva, E. I. Fedoseeva "Acouslical measurements in building"» 25, p. 637 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 4, p. 637 (1979) | Rubric: 01
Naugol'nikh K.A. «VIII International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics» 25, p. 636 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 4, p. 636 (1979) | Rubric: 01
Munin A.G. «The Vl-th scientific-technical conference on aviation acoustic» 25, p. 634-635 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 4, p. 634-635 (1979) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «II Congress of Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe» 25, p. 476-477 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 3, p. 476-477 (1979) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of United Scientifical Council of AN SSSR on complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 25, p. 462-475 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 3, p. 462-475 (1979) | Rubric: 01
Vasil'tsov E.A. «Second Far-East acoustic conference» 25, p. 314-315 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 2, p. 314-315 (1979) | Rubric: 01
Sarvazyan A.P. «The third symposium with international participation on application of ultrasound in biology and medicine "UBIOMED-III"» 24, p. 461 (1978)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 3, p. 461 (1978) | Rubric: 01
Kapustina O.A. «The Second Symposium of the Socialist Countries on liquid crystals» 24, p. 458-461 (1978)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 3, p. 458-461 (1978) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of AN SSSR on the complex problem "Physical and technical acoustics"» 24, p. 433-457 (1978)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 3, p. 433-457 (1978) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «The IXth International Congress on Acoustics» 24, p. 315-317 (1978)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 2, p. 315-317 (1978) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of United Scientific Council of AN SSSH on the complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 24, p. 147-155 (1978)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 1, p. 147-155 (1978) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on a complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 23, p. 474-491 (1977)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 23, 3, p. 474-491 (1977) | Rubric: 01
Krasil'nikov V.A. «The VIIth International Symposium on nonlinear acoustics» 23, p. 333 (1977)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 23, 2, p. 333 (1977) | Rubric: 01
Sarvazyan A.P. «Interaction of ultrasound with biological medium» 23, p. 178-179 (1977)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 23, 1, p. 178-179 (1977) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and Technical acoustics"» 23, p. 158-177 (1977)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 23, 1, p. 158-177 (1977) | Rubric: 01
«VIIth All Union Symposium on Diffraction and Wave Propagation» 22, p. 965 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 6, p. 965 (1976) | Rubric: 01
Velizhanina K.A., Lebedeva I.V. «The IVth Acoustic conference in Hungary» 22, p. 948-949 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 6, p. 948-949 (1976) | Rubric: 01
Klyukin I.I., Myasnikova E.N. «The 10th anniversary of Leningrad acoustical seminar of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Academy in Sciences of the USSR» 22, p. 784 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 5, p. 784 (1976) | Rubric: 01
Kapustina O.A. «The Ist symposium of the Socialist Countries on liquid crystals» 22, p. 783-784 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 5, p. 783-784 (1976) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics", Scientific Council of the AN USSR on the problem "Acoustics", Scientific Council of the AN USSR on the problem "Ultrasonics" and Academic Council of the Acoustical Institute of the AN USSR devoted to the 95-th birthday of the Socialist Labour Laureate academician N. N. Andreev» 22, p. 622-629 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 4, p. 622-629 (1976) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session on the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on complex problem "Physical and Technical acoustics" and Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the problem "Ultrasonics"» 22, p. 141-149 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 1, p. 141-149 (1976) | Rubric: 01
Mikhailov I.G., Sapozhkov M.A. «Second Bulgarian Acoustic Conference with International Participation "Acoustics-75"» 22, p. 152-154 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 1, p. 152-154 (1976) | Rubric: 01
Zarembo L.K., Krasil'nikov V.A. «VI International symposium on nonlinear acoustics» 22, p. 150-151 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 1, p. 150-151 (1976) | Rubric: 01
Lyamov V.E. «Review of the book by E. Dieulesaint, D. Royer "Elastic waves in solids"» 21, p. 667-668 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 4, p. 667-668 (1975) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «L. M. Brekhovskikh. " Acoustics of ocean". M.: Nauka. 1974. 693 pp.» 21, p. 491-493 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 3, p. 491-493 (1975) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific Session of Joint Scientific Council of AN USSR on complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 21, p. 478-488 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 3, p. 478-488 (1975) | Rubric: 01
Vasil'tsov E.A., Golyamina I.P., Issakovitch M.A. «The First Far–East Acoustic Conference» 21, p. 328-330 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 2, p. 328-330 (1975) | Rubric: 01
Brekhovskikh L.M., Lyamshev L.M. «On results of the VIIIth International Congress on Acoustics» 21, p. 326-328 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 2, p. 326-328 (1975) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of joint scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics" devoted to 250 anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR» 21, p. 313-325 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 2, p. 313-325 (1975) | Rubric: 01
Al’tshuler S.F., Golenishev-Kutuzov V.A. «The 8th All Union Meeting on quantum acoustics and acoustoelectronics» 21, p. 151-153 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 1, p. 151-153 (1975) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M. «International meeting on electroacoustics in Moscow» 21, p. 150-151 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 1, p. 150-151 (1975) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the Joint scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of USSR on complex problem "Physical and Technical acoustics"» 21, p. 132-149 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 1, p. 132-149 (1975) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the united scientific council of AN SSSR on complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 20, p. 803-810 (1974)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 5, p. 803-810 (1974) | Rubric: 01
«Announcement» 20, p. 491 (1974)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 3, p. 491 (1974) | Rubric: 01
Tartakovskii B.D. «The VIIIth All Union Conference on Acoustics» 20, p. 487-489 (1974)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 3, p. 487-489 (1974) | Rubric: 01
Zarembo L.K., Yaronis E.P. «The 2-nd All Union Conference on the methodics and techniques of ultrasound spectroscopy» 20, p. 486 (1974)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 3, p. 486 (1974) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the Joint Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the complex problem "Physical and Technical Aconstics" and Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the problem "Ultrasound"» 20, p. 480-485 (1974)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 3, p. 480-485 (1974) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the complex problem "Physical and Technical Acoustics"» 20, p. 148-159 (1974)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 1, p. 148-159 (1974) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific session of the United Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the complex problem "Physical and technical acoustics" and of the scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR en the problem "Ultrasonics"» 19, p. 795-804 (1973)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 5, p. 795-804 (1973) | Rubric: 01
Golyamina I.P., Lube V.M., Chernenko A.A. «The First All Union Scientific Conference "Ultrasound in the physiology and medicines"» 19, p. 637-642 (1973)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 4, p. 637-642 (1973) | Rubric: 01
«Announcement» 19, p. 469 (1973)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 3, p. 469 (1973) | Rubric: 01
Ganapol'skii E.M., Chernets A.N. «The 7th All Union conference on quantum acoustics of solids» 19, p. 297-298 (1973)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 2, p. 297-298 (1973) | Rubric: 01
Brekhovskikh L.M. «The sixth All Union symposium on diffraction and propagation of waves» 19, p. 123 (1973)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 1, p. 123 (1973) | Rubric: 01
Akulichev V.A., Makarov V.K. «The second All Union symposium on cavitation» 19, p. 119-122 (1973)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 1, p. 119-122 (1973) | Rubric: 01
Gulyaev E.V., Lyamshev L.M. «Vllth International Congress on Acoustics» 18, p. 331-333 (1972)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 2, p. 331-333 (1972) | Rubric: 01
Tartakovskii B.D. «The 7th All Union Conference on Acoustics» 17, p. 625-629 (1971)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 17, 4, p. 625-629 (1971) | Rubric: 01
Shutilov V.A. «The fifth All Union conference on quantum acoustics and acousto-electronics» 17, p. 327 (1971)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 17, 2, p. 327 (1971) | Rubric: 01
Prokopenko G.I. «Meeting on ultrasonic of solids» 16, p. 487-489 (1970)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 16, 3, p. 487-489 (1970) | Rubric: 01
«In general physics and astronomy institution of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR» 16, p. 164 (1970)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 16, 1, p. 164 (1970) | Rubric: 01
«The seventh International Congress on Acoustics» 16, p. 164 (1970)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 16, 1, p. 164 (1970) | Rubric: 01
«Conference on ultrasonic spectrometry» 15, p. 315 (1969)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 15, 2, p. 315 (1969) | Rubric: 01
Akulichev V.A. «Symposium on cavitation» 15, p. 312-315 (1969)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 15, 2, p. 312-315 (1969) | Rubric: 01
Êèòàéãîðîäñêèé Þ.È. «In Scientific Council on Physics and Technics of Ultrasound» 15, p. 148-149 (1969)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 15, 1, p. 148-149 (1969) | Rubric: 01
Ãóëÿåâ Þ.Â. «Second International Symposium on Acustoelectronics» 15, p. 147-148 (1969)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 15, 1, p. 147-148 (1969) | Rubric: 01
Áðåõîâñêèõ Ë.Ì., Ãóëÿåâ Þ.Â. «VI International Congress on Acoustics» 15, p. 144-147 (1969)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 15, 1, p. 144-147 (1969) | Rubric: 01
«In Council on physics and ultrasonic technics» 14, p. 480 (1968)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 14, 3, p. 480 (1968) | Rubric: 01
Kovrigin S.D., Rzhevkin S.N. «Acoustic conference in Budapest» 14, p. 313-315 (1968)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 14, 2, p. 313-315 (1968) | Rubric: 01
Shutilov V.A. «Conference on quantum acoustics and ultrasonic interferometry» 14, p. 309-313 (1968)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 14, 2, p. 309-313 (1968) | Rubric: 01
«Announcing» 13, p. 3 ñòð. îáë. (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 4, p. 3 ñòð. îáë. (1967) | Rubric: 01
Agranat B.A. «Conference on generators and transducers for ultrasonic industry» 13, p. 472-474 (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 3, p. 472-474 (1967) | Rubric: 01
Shutilov V.A. «Seminar on technics and methods of ultrasonic measurements» 13, p. 472 (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 3, p. 472 (1967) | Rubric: 01
«Announcing» 13, p. 158 (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 1, p. 158 (1967) | Rubric: 01
Shutilov V.A. «Conference on propagation of ultrasonic and hypersonic waves in solids» 13, p. 154-158 (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 1, p. 154-158 (1967) | Rubric: 01
Zaborov V.I. «All Union Conference on noise and vibration control in building acoustics» 13, p. 151-154 (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 1, p. 151-154 (1967) | Rubric: 01
«Fourth conference of Acoustics in Budapest» 12, p. 500 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 4, p. 500 (1966) | Rubric: 01
«Conference on acoustics in Warsaw» 12, p. 499-500 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 4, p. 499-500 (1966) | Rubric: 01
Lyamshev L.M., Osipov G.L. «Fourth International congress on noise reduction» 12, p. 498-499 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 4, p. 498-499 (1966) | Rubric: 01
«IV Symposium on diffraction and wave propagation» 12, p. 390 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 3, p. 390 (1966) | Rubric: 01
Il'in G.S. «The 10th year anniversary of the seminar» 12, p. 390 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 3, p. 390 (1966) | Rubric: 01
«All Union conference on noise and vibration control by techniques of architectural acoustics» 12, p. 138 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 1, p. 138 (1966) | Rubric: 01
Golyamina I.P., Lyamshev L.M. «To the Fifth International Congress on acoustics» 12, p. 134-138 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 1, p. 134-138 (1966) | Rubric: 01
Rzhevkin S.N. «Second all Union conference of ultrasonic interferometry techniques» 12, p. 133-134 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 1, p. 133-134 (1966) | Rubric: 01
Shutilov V.A. «All Union conference on new directions of investigations in the region of absorption, amplification, generation and reception of ultrasonic and hypersonic vibrations in solids and application of these effects for acoustic and radio engineering purposes» 12, p. 131-133 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 1, p. 131-133 (1966) | Rubric: 01
Kharitonov A.V. «Conference on acoustics of solids in Polish People's Republic» 11, p. 260 (1965)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 11, 2, p. 260 (1965) | Rubric: 01
Banin A.A. «Musical-acoustical Wednesdays» 11, p. 132 (1965)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 11, 1, p. 132 (1965) | Rubric: 01
Golyamina I.P. «Symposium on ultrasonics in USA» 11, p. 128-131 (1965)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 11, 1, p. 128-131 (1965) | Rubric: 01
Chugunov N.P. «Conference on application of ultrasound for intensification of chemical-technological processes» 10, p. 488-489 (1964)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 4, p. 488-489 (1964) | Rubric: 01
Borisov Yu. «Scientific council on the problem "physics of ultrasound"» 10, p. 257 (1964)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 2, p. 257 (1964) | Rubric: 01
Kudryavtsev B. «The XI All-Union scientific conference on application of ultrasonics to the study of properties of substances» 10, p. 257 (1964)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 2, p. 257 (1964) | Rubric: 01
Borisov Yu. «Application of ultrasound in food industry» 10, p. 256 (1964)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 2, p. 256 (1964) | Rubrics: 01 14.06
Druchenko V.A. «Seminar on industrial application of ultrasound in galvanotechnics» 10, p. 255-256 (1964)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 2, p. 255-256 (1964) | Rubric: 01
Mitskevich A.M. «The Fourth All Union Scientific Conference on application of ultrasonics in mechanical engineering» 10, p. 128-130 (1964)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 1, p. 128-130 (1964) | Rubric: 01
Kudryavtsev B. «All-union conference on ultrasonic interferometry techniques» 9, p. 496 (1963)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 9, 4, p. 496 (1963) | Rubric: 01
Sirotyuk M.G. «Meeting of Ultrasonic Scientific Council» 9, p. 395-396 (1963)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 9, 3, p. 395-396 (1963) | Rubric: 01
Fant Gunnar «Seminar on speech communication. Review» 9, p. 137-152 (1963)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 9, 2, p. 137-152 (1963) | Rubric: 01
Sirotyuk M.G. «International symposium on industrial applications of ultrasound» 9, p. 131-132 (1963)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 9, 1, p. 131-132 (1963) | Rubric: 01
Andreev N., Golyamina I., Kryazhev F., Rozenberg L. «Seminare on speech communication» 8, p. 492-493 (1962)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 4, p. 492-493 (1962) | Rubric: 01
Tartakovskii B.D. «The Fourth International Congress on Acoustics» 8, p. 487-491 (1962)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 4, p. 487-491 (1962) | Rubric: 01
Kurkin V.P. «Conference on acoustical methods of cleaning of industrial waste in the atmosphere» 8, p. 486-487 (1962)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 4, p. 486-487 (1962) | Rubric: 01
Nikolski V.N. «Coordination conference on architectural acoustics» 8, p. 375 (1962)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 3, p. 375 (1962) | Rubric: 01
«A seminar on speech communication» 8, p. 249 (1962)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 2, p. 249 (1962) | Rubric: 01
Tartakovskii B.D. «The fifth All-Union conference on» 8, p. 141-145 (1962)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 1, p. 141-145 (1962) | Rubric: 01
Mjakshin V. «Scientific-technical seminars on industrial noise control» 7, p. 507 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 4, p. 507 (1961) | Rubric: 01
«The second Conference on Acoustics in Budapest» 7, p. 504-506 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 4, p. 504-506 (1961) | Rubric: 01
Dianov D.B. «Scientific-Technical Conference on the physical methods of nondestructive testing of materials» 7, p. 394-396 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 3, p. 394-396 (1961) | Rubric: 01
Glinskii A.A. «The 9th All-Russian Scientific Conference on application of ultrasound for the investigation of substances» 7, p. 392-393 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 3, p. 392-393 (1961) | Rubric: 01
Kljukin I.I. «Scientific-Technical Symposium in Denmark» 7, p. 391 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 3, p. 391 (1961) | Rubric: 01
Jahimovich D. «On the sitting of the commission on ultrasonics, GNTK of Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union» 7, p. 269 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 2, p. 269 (1961) | Rubric: 01
Borisov Yu. «Apparatus exposition of Danish Firms» 7, p. 119 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 1, p. 119 (1961) | Rubric: 01
«The Second Acoustics Conference in Budapest» 7, p. 118 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 1, p. 118 (1961) | Rubric: 01
Makarov L.O. «The All-Union Ultrasonic Conference» 7, p. 117-118 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 1, p. 117-118 (1961) | Rubric: 01
Tartakovski B.D. «Symposium on wave diffraction» 7, p. 114-116 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 1, p. 114-116 (1961) | Rubric: 01
«IV International congress of acoustics» 6, p. 515 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 4, p. 515 (1960) | Rubric: 01
Makarov L. «The conference of higher educational institutions on industrial applications of ultrasonics» 6, p. 514-515 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 4, p. 514-515 (1960) | Rubric: 01
Teumin I. «Scientific-technical conference on the application of ultrasonics in processing and heat treatment of alloys» 6, p. 513-514 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 4, p. 513-514 (1960) | Rubric: 01
«Symposium on auditory system of Artropodes» 6, p. 413 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 3, p. 413 (1960) | Rubric: 01
«The Sixth International Congress on Otorinolaryngology» 6, p. 413 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 3, p. 413 (1960) | Rubric: 01
«Conference on ultrasound in industry» 6, p. 266 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 2, p. 266 (1960) | Rubric: 01
«Dates of future Meetings of the Acoustical Society of U. S.» 6, p. 139 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 1, p. 139 (1960) | Rubric: 01
Makarov L.O. «Section on the technology of ultrasonic welding» 6, p. 138-139 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 1, p. 138-139 (1960) | Rubric: 01
F.V. «All-Union Conference on ultrasonics in chemical, light and food industry» 6, p. 137-138 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 1, p. 137-138 (1960) | Rubric: 01
«Meeting of I. C. A» 6, p. 137 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 1, p. 137 (1960) | Rubric: 01
Tartakovsky B.D. «Third International Congress on acoustics in Stuttgart» 6, p. 134-136 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 1, p. 134-136 (1960) | Rubric: 01
«International Congress on general and applied phonetics» 5, p. 505 (1959)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 4, p. 505 (1959) | Rubric: 01
Tarnóczy T. «Colloquium on acoustics and ultrasonics in Budapest» 5, p. 504-505 (1959)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 4, p. 504-505 (1959) | Rubric: 01
«The Conference of the Acoustical Society of America in 1959» 5, p. 258 (1959)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 2, p. 258 (1959) | Rubric: 01
«The scientific-practical meeting on the questions of noise-control of city traffic» 5, p. 258 (1959)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 2, p. 258 (1959) | Rubric: 01
«On the organization of Noise-control Commission under the Chief State Sanitary inspection of the USSR» 5, p. 257-258 (1959)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 2, p. 257-258 (1959) | Rubric: 01
Zwicker E. «III International Congress on Acoustics» 5, p. 257 (1959)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 2, p. 257 (1959) | Rubric: 01
Merkulov L.G. «The 7th Scientific Conference in the application of ultrasonics to the study of matter» 5, p. 255-256 (1959)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 2, p. 255-256 (1959) | Rubric: 01
«A visit to the Hungarian People's Republic» 5, p. 126 (1959)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 1, p. 126 (1959) | Rubric: 01
Goliamina I.P. «The conference on electroacoustical transducers in the Polish People's Republic» 5, p. 125 (1959)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 1, p. 125 (1959) | Rubric: 01
«International colloquium on language and communication» 4, p. 376 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 4, p. 376 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Kudriavtsev B.B., Rzevkin S.N. «The 5th seminar on acoustics in Olstin» 4, p. 376 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 4, p. 376 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Makarov L.O. «3rd All-Union scientific technical conference on electric and ultrasonic processing of materials» 4, p. 294 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 3, p. 294 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Tartakovsky B.D. «IV All-Union conference on acoustics» 4, p. 292-294 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 3, p. 292-294 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Makarov L.O. «Scientific-technical conference on the application of ultrasonic vibrations for the study of properties, for testing and for processing of metals and alloys» 4, p. 291-292 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 3, p. 291-292 (1958) | Rubric: 01
«The IIIrd International Congress on acoustics in Stuttgart in 1959» 4, p. 208 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 2, p. 208 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Kudriavtsev B.B. «The VI Scientific Conference on the application of ultrasonics for the study of matter» 4, p. 207 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 2, p. 207 (1958) | Rubric: 01
«Scientific Council on Ultrasonics» 4, p. 108 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 1, p. 108 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Furduóev V.V. «Acoustical Conference in Budapest» 4, p. 107 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 1, p. 107 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Rimsky-Korsakov A.V. «International Conference on acoustics of building and architectural acoustics in Dresden» 4, p. 106-107 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 1, p. 106-107 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Krasilnikov V.A. «All-Union Acoustical Conference» 4, p. 105-106 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 1, p. 105-106 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Dianov D.B. «Seminar on physical and technical aspects of ultrasound (dedicated to the memory of S. Ya. Sokolov, the late Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR» 4, p. 104 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 1, p. 104 (1958) | Rubric: 01
Nozdrev V.F. «International colloquium on the study of optical and acoustical properties of compressed liquids and intermolecular» 3, p. 368 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 4, p. 368 (1957) | Rubric: 01
Kanevsky I.N., Naugolnih K.A. «Colloquium on radiation pressure» 3, p. 366-367 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 4, p. 366-367 (1957) | Rubric: 01
Kanevsky I.N., Naugolnih K.A. «Third Conference on the electric and ultrasonic methods of treatment îf materials» 3, p. 366 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 4, p. 366 (1957) | Rubric: 01
«Conference on acoustics, 1957» 3, p. 366 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 4, p. 366 (1957) | Rubric: 01
Kudriavtsev B.B. «The 5th conference on the applications of ultrasound for the study of matter» 3, p. 196-197 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 2, p. 196-197 (1957) | Rubric: 01
«Building and Room Acoustics Conference» 3, p. 85 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 1, p. 85 (1957) | Rubric: 01
«Physical Acoustics Conference» 3, p. 85 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 1, p. 85 (1957) | Rubric: 01
Slavin I.I. «Scientific Conference on the Noise Control and the Biological Action of Noise» 3, p. 83-85 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 1, p. 83-85 (1957) | Rubric: 01
Filipchinskij L. «II Scientific Conference on the Ultrasonic Engineering in Poland» 3, p. 81-82 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 1, p. 81-82 (1957) | Rubric: 01
Artemov V.A. «The Fifth Meeting on Speech Perception» 2, p. 376-377 (1956)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 4, p. 376-377 (1956) | Rubric: 01
«The Second International Congress on Acoustics» 2, p. 373-376 (1956)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 4, p. 373-376 (1956) | Rubric: 01
«In the Commission on the Acoustics of the USSR. Meeting on the Methods of Speech Research» 2, p. 100 (1956)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 1, p. 100 (1956) | Rubric: 01
«Acoustic Meeting–1956» 1, p. 384 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 4, p. 384 (1955) | Rubric: 01
«The Second International Congress on Acoustics» 1, p. 296 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 3, p. 296 (1955) | Rubric: 01
«Meeting on Electroacoustics, Kiev, 1–5 July 1955» 1, p. 294-296 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 3, p. 294-296 (1955) | Rubric: 01
«The Commission on the acoustics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Acoustics Colloquium» 1, p. 191 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 2, p. 191 (1955) | Rubric: 01
«The Commission on the Acoustics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The creation of new scientific sections» 1, p. 190 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 2, p. 190 (1955) | Rubric: 01
«The Commission on the Acoustics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Upcoming Meetings in 1955» 1, p. 190 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 2, p. 190 (1955) | Rubric: 01
«Meeting on Physical Acoustics and Ultrasound. Moscow, 3–7 March 1955» 1, p. 182-190 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 2, p. 182-190 (1955) | Rubric: 01
«Meeting of 4th Research Group of the International Telephone Consultative Committee (ITCC)» 1, p. 181 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 2, p. 181 (1955) | Rubric: 01
«The Conference on Physical Acoustics and Ultrasound» 1, p. 96 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 1, p. 96 (1955) | Rubric: 01
«The Conference on Physiological Acoustics» 1, p. 96 (1955)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 1, p. 96 (1955) | Rubric: 01