04.02 Ray acoustics


Sumbatyan M.A.,  Martynova T.S.,  Musatova N.K. «On Diffraction of a Point Sound Source by an Infinite Wedge» 68, p. 351-360 (2022)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 68, 4, p. 351-360 (2022) | Rubrics: 04.01 04.02 04.03


Boev N.V. «Scattering of High-Frequency Waves by Surfaces in Continuous Media with Allowance for Rereflections» 50, p. 756-761 (2004)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 50, 6, p. 756-761 (2004) | Rubric: 04.02


Virovlyanskii A.L.,  Lyubavin L.Ya.,  Stromkov A.A. «Ray Approach for Analyzing the Mode Structure of the Sound Field in a Range-Dependent Waveguide» 47, p. 597-604 (2001)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 5, p. 597-604 (2001) | Rubric: 04.02


Gor'kova S.V.,  Kargl S.,  Khokhlova V.A. «Nonlinear, Diffraction Effects in Acoustic Beams of Cylindrical Symmetry» 45, p. 615-621 (1999)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 5, p. 615-621 (1999) | Rubric: 04.02


Krutitskii K.V.,  Shevyakhov N.S. «Varieties of Negative Displacement of Reflected Acoustic Beams» 44, p. 232-238 (1998)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 2, p. 232-238 (1998) | Rubric: 04.02


Virovlyanskii A.L.,  Kurin V.V.,  Pronchatov-Rubtsov N.V.,  Simdyankin S.I. «Field Ray Structure in the Spectrum of a Signal Registered by a Moving Receiver in a Waveguide» 42, p. 563-565 (1996)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 4, p. 563-565 (1996) | Rubric: 04.02


Smirnov I.P.,  Khil'ko A.I. «The ray approximation in wave scattering by a curvilinear surface in an inhomogeneous medium» 41, p. 139-145 (1995)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 1, p. 139-145 (1995) | Rubric: 04.02


Gribova E.Z.,  Saichev A.I. «Chaotic focusing of ray tubes in a random inhomogeneous medium» 41, p. 77-82 (1995)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 1, p. 77-82 (1995) | Rubric: 04.02


Bogushevich A.Ya. «Derivation of Formula for Doppler Effect in Geometrical Acoustics of Inhomogeneous Moving Medium» 40, p. 899-902 (1994)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 6, p. 899-902 (1994) | Rubric: 04.02


Plotkin A.M. «Ray algorithm correction by normal mode method» 38, p. 1066-1074 (1992)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 6, p. 1066-1074 (1992) | Rubric: 04.02


Frolov V.M. «Applicability condition of a ray method for a waveguide with a rough boundary» 36, p. 1098-1102 (1990)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 6, p. 1098-1102 (1990) | Rubric: 04.02


Grigor'ev G.I.,  Savina O.N.,  Fainshtein S.M. «Beam instability of sound waves» 35, p. 1114-1115 (1989)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 6, p. 1114-1115 (1989) | Rubric: 04.02


Krylov V.V. «On applicability conditions of geometrical acoustics approximation for waves in acute-angle solid wedge» 35, p. 294-301 (1989)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 2, p. 294-301 (1989) | Rubric: 04.02


Akhunov Kh.G.,  Kravtsov Yu.A. «Conditions for the coherent summation of waves in the backscattering of sound in multipath-transmission channels» 30, p. 145-148 (1984)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 2, p. 145-148 (1984) | Rubric: 04.02


Babkin G.I.,  Klyatskin V.I.,  Shevtsov B.M. «Ray approximation in statistical theory of waves» 26, p. 488-493 (1980)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 4, p. 488-493 (1980) | Rubric: 04.02


Balakshii V.I.,  Parigin V.N.,  Filippov B.P. «Angular displacement of acoustic beam, excited by a wedge-staped piezotransducer» 22, p. 596-598 (1976)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 4, p. 596-598 (1976) | Rubric: 04.02


Sviridov Yu.B. «On shift of ultrasonic beam reflected from a plate in liquid» 21, p. 618-622 (1975)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 4, p. 618-622 (1975) | Rubric: 04.02


Aver'yanov A.G. «Monograph for determination of propagation distance of acoustic wave beams according to curves C(Z)» 20, p. 778-779 (1974)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 5, p. 778-779 (1974) | Rubric: 04.02


Barkhatov A.N., Gorskaya N.V., Yurkova L.N. «Experimental verification for the generalization of ray concepts including the shadow zone» 13, p. 178-181 (1967)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 2, p. 178-181 (1967) | Rubric: 04.02


Merkulov L.G., Yakovlev L.A. «Some features of propagation and reflection of ultrasound in monocrystals» 8, p. 99-106 (1962)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 1, p. 99-106 (1962) | Rubric: 04.02


Levin M.L.,  Rytov S.M. «On transition to the geometric approximation in the theory of elasticity» 2, p. 173-176 (1956)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 2, p. 173-176 (1956) | Rubric: 04.02


Kinber B.E. «The solution of the inverse problem of geometrical acoustics» 1, p. 221-225 (1955)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 3, p. 221-225 (1955) | Rubric: 04.02