04.17 Statistical acoustics


Kopiev V.F.,  Chernyshev S.A. «New Correlation Model for the Cascade of Turbulent Pulsations as a Noise Source in Jets» 58, p. 482-497 (2012)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 4, p. 482-497 (2012) | Rubrics: 04.11 04.17


Mirgorodskii V.I.,  Gerasimov V.V.,  Peshin S.V. «Correlation of Acoustic Signals at Total Delays» 54, p. 998-1002 (2008)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 6, p. 998-1002 (2008) | Rubric: 04.17


Klyachkin V.I. «Transformation of the Probability Structures of the Random Fields of Sources in the Nonlinearly Parametric Mapping Process» 54, p. 653-658 (2008)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 4, p. 653-658 (2008) | Rubric: 04.17


Dolgikh V.N.,  Oroshchuk I.M.,  Prishchepa M.N. «Probabilistic Characteristics of Signal Detection by a Spatial Correlation Filter» 53, p. 226-232 (2007)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 53, 2, p. 226-232 (2007) | Rubric: 04.17


Chudina M., Prezel' J. «Probability Density Prediction of Peak Sound Pressure Levels from Firecracker Explosions» 52, p. 416-429 (2006)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 3, p. 416-429 (2006) | Rubric: 04.17


Burov V.A.,  Vecherin S.N.,  Rumyantseva O.D. «Statistical Estimation of the Spatial Spectrum of Secondary Sources» 50, p. 14-25 (2004)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 50, 1, p. 14-25 (2004) | Rubrics: 04.04 04.17


Lyamshev L.M.,  Urusovskii I.A. «Sound Diffraction at Sierpinski Carpet» 49, p. 820-823 (2003)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 6, p. 820-823 (2003) | Rubric: 04.17


Agranovskii A.V.,  Zulkarneev M.Yu.,  Lednov D.A. «Two-Layer Model for the Formation of States of the Hidden Markov Chains» 48, p. 560-562 (2002)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 4, p. 560-562 (2002) | Rubric: 04.17


Gulin O.E.,  Yaroshchuk I.O. «Correlation Properties of the Backscattered Field in a Nonstationary Statistical Problem» 47, p. 769-774 (2001)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 6, p. 769-774 (2001) | Rubric: 04.17


Tkachenko V.M. «Conditions of Similarity of the Cross-Spectra of Pseudosound Pressures in Turbulence» 46, p. 408-416 (2000)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 3, p. 408-416 (2000) | Rubric: 04.17


Kurbatov M.V. «Contribution of Resonance Structures to the Formation of a Region of Wave Localization in a Randomly Inhomogeneous Medium» 46, p. 118-120 (2000)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 1, p. 118-120 (2000) | Rubrics: 04.16 04.17


Zverev V.A.,  Litvak N.V. «Numerical Simulation of Random Acoustic Fields» 45, p. 807-815 (1999)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 6, p. 807-815 (1999) | Rubrics: 04.12 04.17


Gulin O.E.,  Yaroshchuk I.O. «On Fluctuations of Sound Back scattered by a Random Layered Medium» 45, p. 781-788 (1999)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 6, p. 781-788 (1999) | Rubric: 04.17


Pudovkin A.A. «Realization of the Acoustic Field Forecast in the Source Identification from the Signal Measured in a Stochastic Waveguide» 45, p. 642-646 (1999)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 5, p. 642-646 (1999) | Rubric: 04.17


Kurbatov M.V.,  Rybak S.A. «Field Structure in a Medium with Disordered Concentrated Inhomogeneities» 45, p. 370-375 (1999)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 3, p. 370-375 (1999) | Rubric: 04.17


Efimtsov B.M. «Spatial Correlation of Pressure Fluctuations on a Plate before a Step in a Supersonic Flow» 44, p. 772-778 (1998)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 6, p. 772-778 (1998) | Rubric: 04.17


Vdovicheva N.K.,  Turchin V.I.,  Fiks I.Sh. «Reconstruction of the Characteristics of Extended Stochastic Sound Sources» 44, p. 757-763 (1998)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 6, p. 757-763 (1998) | Rubrics: 04.11 04.17


Lysanov Yu.P.,  Lyamshev L.M. «Sound Scattering by Random Volume In homogeneities with a Fractal Spectrum» 44, p. 506-509 (1998)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 4, p. 506-509 (1998) | Rubrics: 04.04 04.17


Bulatov I.G. «Wavevector Filtering of Turbulent Pressure Fluctuations with a Three-Dimensional Transducer Array» 44, p. 172-175 (1998)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 2, p. 172-175 (1998) | Rubric: 04.17


Gryaznova I.Yu.,  Kurin V.V.,  Kustov L.M.,  Tyurina O.A. «An Experimental Investigation of the Correlation Scales of a Sound Wave Traversed a Chaotic Bubble Screen» 44, p. 64-67 (1998)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 1, p. 64-67 (1998) | Rubric: 04.17


Chaban I.A. «Correlation Function of Ordered Region Rebuilding in the Nonlocal Diffusion Theory of Wave Propagation in Highly Viscous Liquids» 43, p. 714-716 (1997)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 5, p. 714-716 (1997) | Rubric: 04.17


Abaimov S.G.,  Rybak S.A. «Wave Instabilities in the Laminar Boundary Layer» 43, p. 581-585 (1997)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 5, p. 581-585 (1997) | Rubric: 04.17


Gryaznova I.Yu.,  Gurbatov S.N. «Multiple Scattering Effect on Statistical Characteristics of Acoustic Signals in the Diagnostics of Discrete Random Inhomogeneities» 43, p. 555-558 (1997)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 4, p. 555-558 (1997) | Rubrics: 04.04 04.17


Zverev V.A.,  Matveev A.L.,  Mityugov V.V. «Matched filtering of acoustic diffraction signals for incoherent accumulation with a vertical antenna» 41, p. 591-595 (1995)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 4, p. 591-595 (1995) | Rubrics: 04.03 04.17


Rudnitskii A.G. «Statistical characteristics of a sound wave passed through the wake of a cylinder» 41, p. 123-127 (1995)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 1, p. 123-127 (1995) | Rubric: 04.17


Shmalii Yu.S. «Probability Characteristics of Stationary Acoustic Vibrations in a Quartz Crystal Resonator under Extralow Excitation» 40, p. 985-988 (1994)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 6, p. 985-988 (1994) | Rubric: 04.17


Barabanenkov Yu.N.,  Pasechnik V.I. «Study of Thermal Acoustic Radiation in the Framework of a Hydrodynamic Fluctuation Model» 40, p. 542-547 (1994)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 4, p. 542-547 (1994) | Rubrics: 04.11 04.17


Belogortsev A.S.,  Pudovkin A.A.,  Sharkina E.V. «Estimation of signal stochasticity in waveguide» 38, p. 997-1003 (1992)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 6, p. 997-1003 (1992) | Rubrics: 04.09 04.17


Vorob'ev S.D.,  Sizov V.I. «Vector-phase structure and vector-phase description and analysis method of random acoustic fields» 38, p. 654-660 (1992)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 4, p. 654-660 (1992) | Rubric: 04.17


Kosterin A.G.,  Sholin D.V. «Intermode correlations in multimode refraction waveguide with refraction coefficient fluctuations» 38, p. 556-559 (1992)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 3, p. 556-559 (1992) | Rubrics: 04.09 04.17


Zakharov V.A.,  Lazarev V.A.,  Saltykov A.A.,  Sokolov A.D.,  Tatarinov L.I.,  Sharonov G.A. «Variation of a spatial coefficient of an acoustic field correlation in an inhomogeneous nonstationary waveguide» 38, p. 356-359 (1992)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 2, p. 356-359 (1992) | Rubrics: 04.09 04.17


Gorelov V.N.,  Dotsenko S.V. «Optimal determination of azimuthal anisotropy parameters of random acoustic fields» 37, p. 1130-1135 (1991)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 6, p. 1130-1135 (1991) | Rubric: 04.17


Galburt V.A.,  Kerzhakov B.V.,  Pikul M.V. «On a field correlation function of a line system of scatterers moving in a multimode stratified waveguide» 37, p. 1116-1123 (1991)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 6, p. 1116-1123 (1991) | Rubric: 04.17


Kosterin A.G.,  Sholin D.V. «Analysis and calculation of statistical characteristics of mode amplitudes in waveguides with volume random inhomogeneities» 37, p. 956-964 (1991)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 5, p. 956-964 (1991) | Rubrics: 04.09 04.17


Zhuravlev V.A.,  Kobozev I.K.,  Kravtsov Yu.A.,  Popov V.A. «Phase dependence of a mutual spectrum on an angular distribution of acoustic radiation» 37, p. 695-701 (1991)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 4, p. 695-701 (1991) | Rubric: 04.17


Gorelov V.N.,  Dotsenko S.V. «Correlation description of three-dimensional anisotropic acoustic fields» 37, p. 654-659 (1991)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 4, p. 654-659 (1991) | Rubric: 04.17


Val'kov A.Yu.,  Romanov V.P.,  Shalaginov A.N. «Scattering of waves on random inhomogeneities in one-dimensionally periodic media» 37, p. 636-645 (1991)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 4, p. 636-645 (1991) | Rubrics: 04.04 04.17


Gindler I.V. «Perturbation approach in the theory of acoustic waveguides in the case of stratified bottom parameters variations» 36, p. 986-992 (1990)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 6, p. 986-992 (1990) | Rubric: 04.17


Zhuck N.P. «A statistical disturbance theory for an acoustic field in a medium with, an irregular boundary» 36, p. 865-871 (1990)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 5, p. 865-871 (1990) | Rubric: 04.17


Goland V.I.,  Klyatskin V.I. «On asymptotic methods of the analysis of Sturm–Lionville stochastic problem» 35, p. 942-944 (1989)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 5, p. 942-944 (1989) | Rubrics: 04.01 04.17


Artel'nii V.V., Raevskii M.A. «Acoustic field intermode correlations in a waveguide with random volume in homogeneities» 35, p. 774-778 (1989)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 5, p. 774-778 (1989) | Rubric: 04.17


Gorelov V.N.,  Dotsenko S.V. «Correlation description of two-dimensional anisotropic acoustic fields» 35, p. 433-438 (1989)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 3, p. 433-438 (1989) | Rubric: 04.17


Kandelaki D.V. «On spatial correlation of intensivity fluctuations in a field of random modulated sources» 35, p. 173-175 (1989)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 1, p. 173-175 (1989) | Rubric: 04.17


Stepanov V.B.,  Tartakovskii B.D. «On a statistical optimization method of vibro absorbing lining on a complex construction» 35, p. 116-121 (1989)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 1, p. 116-121 (1989) | Rubric: 04.17


Kudryashov V.M. «Simulation of correlation function of wide-band noise signal, propagating in a waveguide» 34, p. 1081-1086 (1988)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 6, p. 1081-1086 (1988) | Rubric: 04.17


Samorukov S.B. «The influence of sound receiver system motion on signal–to–noise output ratio» 34, p. 516-521 (1988)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 3, p. 516-521 (1988) | Rubric: 04.17


Gitel'son V.S.,  Glebova G.M.,  Kuznetsov G.N. «Determination of correlated signal parameters using the Proni method» 34, p. 170-172 (1988)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 1, p. 170-172 (1988) | Rubric: 04.17


Kudryashov V.M. «Temporal correlation function of a narrow-band noise signal in an irregular waveguide» 34, p. 117-122 (1988)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 1, p. 117-122 (1988) | Rubrics: 04.09 04.17


Burenkov S.V.,  Nosov A.V. «Reradiated by a surface sound signal fluctuations due to arrival time variation» 33, p. 981-985 (1987)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 6, p. 981-985 (1987) | Rubric: 04.17


Stepanov V.B.,  Tartakovskii B.D. «On statistical calculation method of complex construction vibrations» 33, p. 743-750 (1987)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 4, p. 743-750 (1987) | Rubrics: 04.15 04.17


Mozgovoi V.A. «On effect of sound scattering layers on correlative and spectral characteristics of acoustic signals» 33, p. 724-728 (1987)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 4, p. 724-728 (1987) | Rubrics: 04.16 04.17


Dotsenko S.V.,  Il'itchev V.I. «Description of random acoustic fields using correlations» 33, p. 473-479 (1987)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 3, p. 473-479 (1987) | Rubric: 04.17


Vasil'tsov E.A.,  Kryukov V.V. «Energy characteristics of correlated reception» 33, p. 200-206 (1987)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 2, p. 200-206 (1987) | Rubric: 04.17


Kravtsov Yu.A., Niyazov B.A., Petnikov V.G. «On degree of non-randomness of wave fields in multimode waveguides with random inhomogeneities» 32, p. 823-826 (1986)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 6, p. 823-826 (1986) | Rubrics: 04.09 04.17


Tonoyan I.P. «On structure of fields, radiated by random sources on a plane» 32, p. 424-427 (1986)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 3, p. 424-427 (1986) | Rubric: 04.17


Kandelaki D.V. «On noise signal intensity fluctuations correlation in multimode waveguide» 32, p. 124 (1986)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 1, p. 124 (1986) | Rubric: 04.17


Tonoyan I.P. «On spatial correlation of radiation field of random surface sources in an absorbing medium» 31, p. 401-404 (1985)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 31, 3, p. 401-404 (1985) | Rubric: 04.17


Kandelaki D.V. «On correlation characteristics of modulation field in a randomly inhomogeneous medium» 31, p. 202-206 (1985)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 31, 2, p. 202-206 (1985) | Rubric: 04.17


Moiseev A.A. «Statistics of rays arriving at a given point of an inhomogeneous medium with fluctuating parameters» 30, p. 243-248 (1984)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 2, p. 243-248 (1984) | Rubric: 04.17


Karnovskii A.M. «Spatial correlation function of signal and noise vibration velocity field in wedge» 29, p. 619-624 (1983)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 5, p. 619-624 (1983) | Rubrics: 04.15 04.17


Karnovskii M.I.,  Shotskii B.I. «Near-field noise immunity of arrays» 29, p. 408-411 (1983)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 3, p. 408-411 (1983) | Rubric: 04.17


Mozhaev V.G. «Convolution device using shear waves in a layered piezoelectric–semiconductor structure» 27, p. 285-290 (1981)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 27, 2, p. 285-290 (1981) | Rubric: 04.17


Karnovskii A.M. «Spatial correlation function of noise field generated by sources, placed near wedge edge» 27, p. 243-247 (1981)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 27, 2, p. 243-247 (1981) | Rubric: 04.17


Alekseev V.I.,  Gitel'son V.S.,  Glebova G.M.,  Kalenov E.N., Tikhonravov V.N. «Determination accuracy of parameters of random acoustic signal sources by method of direct resolving» 27, p. 30-35 (1981)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 27, 1, p. 30-35 (1981) | Rubric: 04.17


Efimtsov B.M. «Effect of spatial correlation radii of random pressure pulses acting on a plate on its acoustic radial ion» 26, p. 560-568 (1980)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 4, p. 560-568 (1980) | Rubrics: 04.11 04.17


Klyatskin V.I. «On statistical theory of propagation of waves in parabolic waveguide» 26, p. 207-213 (1980)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 2, p. 207-213 (1980) | Rubrics: 04.09 04.17


Sergeev E.I.,  Tcherkashina L.N. «Experimental verification of frequency-averaging method» 25, p. 583-590 (1979)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 4, p. 583-590 (1979) | Rubric: 04.17


Karnovskii A.M.,  Krasnii L.G. «Spatial-temporal processing of acoustic signals in waveguides» 25, p. 251-257 (1979)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 2, p. 251-257 (1979) | Rubric: 04.17


Lukin I.P. «Fluctuations of frequency shifted waves reflecting in a random in-homogeneous medium» 24, p. 899-905 (1978)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 6, p. 899-905 (1978) | Rubric: 04.17


Tchigarev A.V.,  Tchigarev Yu.V. «A possibility of stochastic instability of rays in inhomogeneous media» 24, p. 765-771 (1978)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 5, p. 765-771 (1978) | Rubrics: 04.16 04.17


Indlin Yu.A. «Statistical properties of musical and speech signals» 24, p. 693-697 (1978)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 5, p. 693-697 (1978) | Rubric: 04.17


Kuznetsova N.G.,  Tchernov L.A. «Effect of temporal variability of random medium inhomogeneities on scattering calculated by local method» 24, p. 540-548 (1978)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 4, p. 540-548 (1978) | Rubric: 04.17


Blank F.G. «On random vibrations of plate with random inhomogeneities» 24, p. 40-45 (1978)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 1, p. 40-45 (1978) | Rubric: 04.17


Gurbatov S.N.,  Malakhov A.N «On statistical characteristics of random quazimonochromatic waves in nonlinear media» 23, p. 569-575 (1977)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 23, 4, p. 569-575 (1977) | Rubric: 04.17


Gulin E.P. «Sound wave correlation properties in a case of multiple reflections from a rough surface» 22, p. 845-857 (1976)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 6, p. 845-857 (1976) | Rubric: 04.17


Reshetov L.A. «Radiator dimensions effect on statistical characteristics of random field correlation function parameter evaluation» 20, p. 928-930 (1974)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 6, p. 928-930 (1974) | Rubrics: 04.14 04.17


Gel'fgat V.I. «Scattering in one-dimensional randomly inhomogeneous medium» 20, p. 624-625 (1974)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 4, p. 624-625 (1974) | Rubrics: 04.04 04.17


Blank F.G. «Effect of random impulse flow on linear dynamic system» 20, p. 190-194 (1974)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 2, p. 190-194 (1974) | Rubric: 04.17


Klyachkin V.I., Sokolova R.A. «On spatial correlation functions in the gap between a thin plate and a baffle characterized by a local impedance» 19, p. 705-712 (1973)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 5, p. 705-712 (1973) | Rubric: 04.17


Galanenko V.B., Karnovskii M.I., Krasnii L.G. «Measurement of statistical characteristics of random acoustic fields» 19, p. 144-149 (1973)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 2, p. 144-149 (1973) | Rubric: 04.17


Alekseev V.N., Frolov V.M. «Equations for statistical moments of a wave field in a random inhomogeneous medium» 18, p. 506-512 (1972)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 4, p. 506-512 (1972) | Rubric: 04.17


Gershman S.G., Tuzhilkin Yu.I., Turin P.G. «On measurement of regression lines and correlation rations of stationary processes» 18, p. 370-380 (1972)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 3, p. 370-380 (1972) | Rubric: 04.17


Kuznetsova N.G. «On nongaussian distribution of large field fluctuations» 18, p. 323-324 (1972)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 2, p. 323-324 (1972) | Rubric: 04.17


Galanenko V.B., Karnovskii M.I., Krasnii L.G. «Measurement of correlation functions of nonstationary acoustic fields» 18, p. 206-211 (1972)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 2, p. 206-211 (1972) | Rubric: 04.17


Chernaya V.N. «Intensity level and phase fluctuations for a particular model of a randomly inhomogeneous medium» 18, p. 155-157 (1972)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 1, p. 155-157 (1972) | Rubric: 04.17


Usoskin G.I. «Statistical properties of a field radiated by a cylindrical shell» 18, p. 119-127 (1972)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 1, p. 119-127 (1972) | Rubric: 04.17


Gel'fgat V.I. «Point source field in a randomly inhomogeneous medium: one-dimensional case» 18, p. 31-41 (1972)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 1, p. 31-41 (1972) | Rubrics: 04.11 04.17


«Errata» 17, p. 485 (1971)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 17, 3, p. 485 (1971) | Rubrics: 04.03 04.17 15.05


Geranin V.A. «On spectrum determination of a nonstationary random process» 17, p. 379-384 (1971)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 17, 3, p. 379-384 (1971) | Rubric: 04.17


Lysanov Yu.P. «On a criterion defining the distant zones for the waves scattered from statically uneven surfaces» 17, p. 93-96 (1971)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 17, 1, p. 93-96 (1971) | Rubrics: 04.04 04.17


Barabanov N.N., Saichuk L.G. «Application of the statistical experiment planning methods for ascertainment of the ultrasound velocity dependence upon the composition of multicomponent systems» 16, p. 511-515 (1970)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 16, 4, p. 511-515 (1970) | Rubric: 04.17


Barom S.B., Janpol'skii A.A. «Analysis of frequency dependence of sound pressure in a closed volume» 16, p. 192-198 (1970)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 16, 2, p. 192-198 (1970) | Rubric: 04.17


Zuev V.N., Lependin L.F. «On statistics of sound field of complex radiators» 15, p. 614-615 (1969)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 15, 4, p. 614-615 (1969) | Rubrics: 04.11 04.17


Chernov L.A. «Equations for statistic field moments in a random inhomogeneous medium» 15, p. 594-603 (1969)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 15, 4, p. 594-603 (1969) | Rubric: 04.17


Vasil'ev V.P., Zibin G.V. «Experimental investigation of statistical properties of telephone signals» 15, p. 201-204 (1969)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 15, 2, p. 201-204 (1969) | Rubric: 04.17


Reznik A.M. «Estimation of the peak width of a signal spectrum using the value of the transverse correlation radius» 14, p. 478-479 (1968)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 14, 3, p. 478-479 (1968) | Rubric: 04.17


Plakhov D.D. «Correlative relations in a sound field of an infinite plate acted upon by random pressure fluctuations» 14, p. 298-300 (1968)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 14, 2, p. 298-300 (1968) | Rubrics: 04.15 04.17


Gulin E.P., Malischev K.I. «Some results of the frequency correlation study of sound signal amplitude fluctuations» 12, p. 110-112 (1966)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 1, p. 110-112 (1966) | Rubric: 04.17


Kur'yanov B.F. «"Normalized" spectra of random processes» 11, p. 192-196 (1965)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 11, 2, p. 192-196 (1965) | Rubric: 04.17


Belkin B.G. «On a method for continuous automatic measurements of correlation functions of random signals in the audio range» 11, p. 137-139 (1965)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 11, 2, p. 137-139 (1965) | Rubric: 04.17


Komissarov V.M. «Amplitude and phase fluctuations and their correlation for waves propagating in a medium with random anisotropic inhomogeneities» 10, p. 174-185 (1964)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 2, p. 174-185 (1964) | Rubrics: 04.16 04.17


Finagin B.A. «On static deformation of piezocrystal plates vibrating with a resonance frequency» 8, p. 454-459 (1962)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 4, p. 454-459 (1962) | Rubric: 04.17


Andreev G.A., Zverev V.A. «Study of statistical properties of medium with random in homogeneities by means of frequency modulated radiation» 8, p. 42-48 (1962)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 1, p. 42-48 (1962) | Rubrics: 04.16 04.17


Novikov A.K. «On spatial correlation of plane flexural waves» 7, p. 462-469 (1961)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 4, p. 462-469 (1961) | Rubrics: 04.15 04.17


Gershman S.G., Smirnov A.I., Tuzhilkin Ju.I. «A transposition device for correlation function measurement of infrasonic signals» 7, p. 415-420 (1961)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 4, p. 415-420 (1961) | Rubric: 04.17


Rimskii-Korsakov A.V. «Statistical properties of a broadcasting signal» 6, p. 360-369 (1960)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 3, p. 360-369 (1960) | Rubric: 04.17


Furduyev V.V. «Interference and coherence of acoustical signals» 5, p. 111-116 (1959)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 5, 1, p. 111-116 (1959) | Rubrics: 04.17 11.08


Fersman B.A. «Experimental stud of statistical properties of musical and speech signals in the broadcast» 3, p. 274-281 (1957)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 3, p. 274-281 (1957) | Rubric: 04.17


Tchernov L.A. «The correlation of sound field fluctuations» 3, p. 192-194 (1957)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 2, p. 192-194 (1957) | Rubric: 04.17


Karavainikov V.N. «Amplitude and phase fluctuations in a spherical wave» 3, p. 165-176 (1957)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 2, p. 165-176 (1957) | Rubric: 04.17


Furduev V.V. «Correlation Criterion of the Reverberation-Optimum» 3, p. 74-80 (1957)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 1, p. 74-80 (1957) | Rubric: 04.17


Sapozhkov M.A. «Correlation method for measuring the distortion coefficient of the transfer» 2, p. 279-284 (1956)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 3, p. 279-284 (1956) | Rubric: 04.17


Chernov L.A. «Correlation properties of waves in a medium with random inhomogeneities» 2, p. 211-216 (1956)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 2, p. 211-216 (1956) | Rubric: 04.17


Isakovich M.A. «On scattering and radiation of waves by statistically heterogeneous and statistically vibrating surfaces» 2, p. 146-149 (1956)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 2, p. 146-149 (1956) | Rubrics: 04.11 04.17


Krasil'nikov V.A.,  Obukhov A.M. «On the propagation of waves in a medium with random inhomogeneities of the refractive index (Review)» 2, p. 107-112 (1956)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 2, p. 107-112 (1956) | Rubric: 04.17


Gershman S.G.,  Feinberg E.L. «On the measurement of the correlation coefficient» 1, p. 326-338 (1955)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 4, p. 326-338 (1955) | Rubric: 04.17


Rimskii-Korsakov A.V. «Nonlinear distortion in a non-periodic signal in an electroacoustic tract» 1, p. 165-170 (1955)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 2, p. 165-170 (1955) | Rubric: 04.17


Chernov L.A. «Correlation of fluctuations of the amplitude and phase of the wave propagating in a medium with random inhomogeneities» 1, p. 89-95 (1955)

Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 1, 1, p. 89-95 (1955) | Rubric: 04.17