Khaller K.S.E., Khedberg K.M., Rudenko O.V. «Slow dynamics of elasticity and dielectric constant of structurally inhomogeneous media induced by an intense acoustic wave» 65, p. 311-316 (2019)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 65, 3, p. 311-316 (2019) | Rubrics: 05.05 06.19
Rudenko O.V. «Excitation of oscillations and waves in quadratic nonlinear systems with selective suppression of the second harmonic» 65, p. 298-304 (2019)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 65, 3, p. 298-304 (2019) | Rubrics: 05.02 05.05
Khramtsov I.V., Kustov O.Yu., Fedotov E.S., Siner A.A. «On Numerical Simulation of Sound Damping Mechanisms in the Cell of a Sound-Absorbing Structure» 64, p. 508-514 (2018)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 64, 4, p. 508-514 (2018) | Rubrics: 05.05 10.07
Esipov I.B., Zozulya O.M., Mironov M.A. «Slow nonlinearity kinetics of the viscoelastic properties of oil during shear vibrations» 60, p. 166-172 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 2, p. 166-172 (2014) | Rubrics: 05.05 06.10
Pishchal'nikov Yu.A., Sapozhnikov O.A., Sinilo T.V. «Increase in the Efficiency of the Shear Wave Generation in Gelatin Due to the Nonlinear Absorption of a Focused Ultrasonic Beam» 48, p. 253-259 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 2, p. 253-259 (2002) | Rubric: 05.05
Rudenko O.V., Shanin A.V. «Nonlinear Phenomena Accompanying the Development of Oscillations Excited in a Layer of a Linear Dissipative Medium by Finite Displacements of Its Boundary» 46, p. 392-400 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 3, p. 392-400 (2000) | Rubric: 05.05
Kashcheeva S.S., Sapozhnikov O.A., Khokhlova V.A., Averkiou M.A., Crum L.A. «Nonlinear Distortion, Attenuation of Intense Acoustic Waves in Lossy Media Obeying a Frequency Power Law» 46, p. 211-219 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 2, p. 211-219 (2000) | Rubric: 05.05
Zaitsev V.Yu., Nazarov V.E. «Elastic Waves in Media with Nonlinear Dissipation» 44, p. 362-368 (1998)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 3, p. 362-368 (1998) | Rubric: 05.05
Gavrilov A.M., Savitskii O.A. «Active Suppression of the Nonlinear Absorption of Sound in Square-Refractive Nondispersive Media» 43, p. 42-47 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 1, p. 42-47 (1997) | Rubrics: 05.05 10.09
Nazarov V.E. «Self-action of acoustic waves in media with nonlinear dissipation» 41, p. 349-352 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 2, p. 349-352 (1995) | Rubric: 05.05
Kabarukhin Yu.I. «Anomalous Sound Damping in Boundary Bubbles» 40, p. 995-997 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 6, p. 995-997 (1994) | Rubric: 05.05
Burov V.A., Gurinovich I.E., Rudenko O.V., Tagunov E.Ya. «Reconstruction of the Spatial Distribution of the Nonlinearity Parameter, Sound Velocity in Acoustic Nonlinear Tomography» 40, p. 922-929 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 6, p. 922-929 (1994) | Rubrics: 05.05 12.06
Galiullin R.G., Murzakhanova A.Z., Revva I.P. «The absorption effect on nonlinear gas oscillations in a hall-opened tube» 36, p. 973-977 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 6, p. 973-977 (1990) | Rubric: 05.05
Romakin A.G., Titarenko V.V. «On attenuation of a pressure sawtooth wave in a tube» 36, p. 178-179 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 1, p. 178-179 (1990) | Rubric: 05.05
Ionov A.M., Sirotkin V.K. «On asymptotic behavior of an acoustic signal, radiated by a spherical source in a nonlinear absorbing medium» 35, p. 837-843 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 5, p. 837-843 (1989) | Rubric: 05.05
Balkarey Yu.I., Bugaev A.S., Gulyaev Yu.V., Zakharova A.A. «On slowing down of sound in nonlinear, periodically modulated medium» 29, p. 590-592 (1983)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 5, p. 590-592 (1983) | Rubric: 05.05
Naugol'nikh K.A., Ribak S.A. «Attenuation of waves with weak nonlinearity» 22, p. 735-741 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 5, p. 735-741 (1976) | Rubric: 05.05
Pavlov V.I. «On sound absorption in a medium in the presence of noise» 22, p. 580-585 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 4, p. 580-585 (1976) | Rubric: 05.05
Krasil'nikov V.A., Rudenko O.V., Chirkin A.S. «On absorption of small amplitude sound caused by interaction with noise» 21, p. 124-126 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 1, p. 124-126 (1975) | Rubric: 05.05
Lisnyanskii L.I., Mikhailov I.G., Eshanov S.E. «On connection of structure of water-ternary butyl alcohol solutions with nonlinearity coefficient» 20, p. 67-70 (1974)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 1, p. 67-70 (1974) | Rubrics: 05.05 06.01
Zarembo L.K. «On forced finite amplitude vibrations of a layer with dissipative losses» 16, p. 58-61 (1970)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 16, 1, p. 58-61 (1970) | Rubric: 05.05
Mednikov E.P. «Absorption and dispersion of sound velocity in aerosoles by large amplitudes of the vibrating velocity of a medium» 15, p. 589-593 (1969)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 15, 4, p. 589-593 (1969) | Rubric: 05.05
Zarembo L.K. «On forced vibrations of finite amplitude in a tube» 13, p. 298-300 (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 2, p. 298-300 (1967) | Rubric: 05.05
Zarembo L.K., Shklovskaia-Kordi V.V. «On the velocity of propagation of finite amplitude acoustic waves in liquids» 6, p. 47-51 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 1, p. 47-51 (1960) | Rubric: 05.05
Podoshevnikov B.F., Tartakovsky B.D. «Attenuation of plane sound waves of finite amplitude in gases» 4, p. 369-371 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 4, p. 369-371 (1958) | Rubric: 05.05
Bayer R.T., Narassiman V. «On the absorption of ultrasound waves of finite amplitude in liquids» 4, p. 196-197 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 2, p. 196-197 (1958) | Rubric: 05.05
Michailov I.G., Fedorova N.M. «The absorption of intense ultrasound waves in structurated solutions» 3, p. 239-242 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 3, p. 239-242 (1957) | Rubric: 05.05
Zarembo L.K. «On the temperature dependence of high intensity sound absorption in viscous liquids» 3, p. 163-164 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 2, p. 163-164 (1957) | Rubric: 05.05