Yellaiah J. «Characteristics of Nanosecond Laser-Induced Underwater Acoustic Signals Across the Water–Air Interface» 69, pp. 7-19 (2023)
Acoustical Physics, 69, 1, pp. 7-19 (2023) | Rubrics: 06.17 06.19 07.13
Kirichenko I.A., Vishnevetskiy V.Yu., Starchenko I.B., Strochan T.P., Markolia A.I., Sizov I.I. «Application of Cepstral Processing of Echo Signals in the Profiling of Layered Structure using Parametric Arrays» 67, p. 286-290 (2021)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 3, p. 286-290 (2021) | Rubrics: 07.13 07.14
Gostev V.S., Mikryukov A.V., Popov O.E. «Features of sound propagation in the ocean with fine-structure inhomogeneities» 62, p. 540-549 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 5, p. 540-549 (2016) | Rubric: 07.13
Kostenko K.V., Kryukov Yu.S. «Technique for detecting a direct signal pulse from an underwater explosive source in a waveguide» 62, p. 111-116 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 1, p. 111-116 (2016) | Rubric: 07.13
Grigor’ev V.A., Katsnel’son B.G. «Sound fluctuations resulting from mode coupling in shallow-water internal waves» 60, p. 262-271 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 262-271 (2014) | Rubrics: 07.03 07.13
Grigor’ev V.A., Katsnel’son B.G., Lynch J.F. «Energy fluctuations of high-frequency sound signals in a shallow water in the presence of nonlinear internal waves» 59, p. 485-493 (2013)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 59, 4, p. 485-493 (2013) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.03 07.13
Sheng Zhen-xin, Liu Rong-zhong, Guo Rui «Reverberation generated by sequential underwater explosions» 58, pp. 236-242 (2012)
Acoustical Physics, 58, 2, pp. 236-242 (2012) | Rubric: 07.13
Nazarov V.E., Radostin A.V. «Amplitude Modulation of Sound by Sound in Water-Saturated River Sand» 57, p. 596-599 (2011)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 57, 5, p. 596-599 (2011) | Rubric: 07.13
Rybak S.A., Serebryanyi A.N. «Nonlinear Internal Waves over the Inclined Bottom: Observations with the Use of an Acoustic Profiler» 57, p. 85-91 (2011)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 57, 1, p. 85-91 (2011) | Rubrics: 07.03 07.13
Nazarov V.E., Kolpakov A.B., Radostin A.V. «Self-Action of a Low-Frequency Acoustic Wave and Generation of the Second Harmonic in Dry and Water-Saturated River Sand» 56, p. 82-90 (2010)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 56, 1, p. 82-90 (2010) | Rubric: 07.13
Lun'kov A.A., Pereselkov S.A., Petnikov V.G. «Surface Reverberation at Sound Field Focusing in Shallow Water» 54, p. 971-980 (2008)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 6, p. 971-980 (2008) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.10 07.13
Galkin O.P., Popov R.Yu., Tuzhilkin Yu.I. «Vertical Variability of Sound Fields Produced by Underwater Explosions at Difference Distances from the Source» 54, p. 949-955 (2008)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 6, p. 949-955 (2008) | Rubric: 07.13
Kuz'kin V.M., Pereselkov S.A. «Efficiency of Sound Held Focusing at a Long Distance in an Oceanic Waveguide with Background Internal Waves» 53, p. 241-248 (2007)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 53, 2, p. 241-248 (2007) | Rubrics: 07.03 07.13
Vadov R.A. «Time Structure of Bistatic Reverberation in Long-Range Propagation of Explosion-Generated Signals» 53, p. 207-215 (2007)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 53, 2, p. 207-215 (2007) | Rubric: 07.13
Volkov G.A., Gruzdkov A.A., Petrov Yu.V. «The Incubation Time Criterion and the Acoustic Strength of Sea Water» 53, p. 149-152 (2007)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 53, 2, p. 149-152 (2007) | Rubrics: 06.05 07.13
Vadov R.A. «Regional Distinctions in the Time Structure of the Sound Field Produced by a Point Source in the Underwater Sound Channel» 52, p. 624-635 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 5, p. 624-635 (2006) | Rubrics: 07.01 07.13
Galkin O.P., Popov R.Yu., Tuzhilkin Yu.I. «Spatial Correlation of Explosion-Generated Signals Received by Longitudinally Separated Hydrophones in the Mediterranean Sea» 52, p. 464-469 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 4, p. 464-469 (2006) | Rubrics: 07.13 07.20
Mikryukov A.V., Popov O.E. «Effect of Internal Tides on Slow Energy Fluctuations of Impulse Signals in an Experiment on a Long-Distance Stationary Path» 52, p. 351-359 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 3, p. 351-359 (2006) | Rubrics: 07.03 07.13
Gostev V.S., Mikryukov A.V., Popov O.E., Shvachko R.F. «Spectral-Energy Characteristics of Sound Fields Scattered by Fine-Structured Inhomogeneities of Sound Velocity into the Geometrical Shadow Zone» 52, p. 195-200 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 2, p. 195-200 (2006) | Rubrics: 07.08 07.13
Gurbatov S.N., Kurin V.V., Kustov L.M., Pronchatov-Rubtsov N.V. «Physical Modeling of Nonlinear Sound Wave Propagation in Oceanic Waveguides of Variable Depth» 51, p. 195-203 (2005)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 51, 2, p. 195-203 (2005) | Rubrics: 05.03 07.13
Galkin O.P., Popov R.Yu., Simakina E.V. «Spatial Correlation of Sound Fields from Underwater Explosions in the Barents Sea» 50, p. 37-43 (2004)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 50, 1, p. 37-43 (2004) | Rubrics: 07.03 07.13
Studenichnik N.V. «Intensity and Space–Time Characteristics of the Sound Field in the Underwater Sound Channel of the Black Sea» 49, p. 250-261 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 2, p. 250-261 (2003) | Rubrics: 07.01 07.13
Pushkina N.I. «Nonlinear Raman-type Acoustic Scattering in Three-Phase Marine Sediments» 47, p. 259-263 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 2, p. 259-263 (2001) | Rubrics: 07.13 07.14
Petukhov Yu.V. «Periodic Spatial Rearrangement of Interference Structure and the Diffraction Focusing of Acoustic Fields in Oceanic Waveguides» 46, p. 384-391 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 3, p. 384-391 (2000) | Rubric: 07.13
Popov R.Yu., Simakina E.V. «Estimation of the Temporal Variability of Explosive Signal Propagation Conditions in the Black Sea» 44, p. 706-708 (1998)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 5, p. 706-708 (1998) | Rubric: 07.13
Postnov G.A. «Experimental Evaluation of the Angular Distribution of Noise Generated by Single Wave Breaking Events» 44, p. 527-531 (1998)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 4, p. 527-531 (1998) | Rubric: 07.13
Gostev V.S., Nosova L.N., Shvachko R.F. «The Sound Field of Explosion-Generated Signals in Shadow Zones of the Deep Ocean» 44, p. 201-205 (1998)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 2, p. 201-205 (1998) | Rubric: 07.13
Galkin O.P., Mikryukov A.V., Popov O.E., Popov R.Yu. «Azimuthal Variability of the Spatial Correlation of Explosive Signals Received in a Coastal Wedge» 43, p. 616-621 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 5, p. 616-621 (1997) | Rubric: 07.13
Lebedev A.V., Sutin A.M. «Excitation of Seismic Waves by an Underwater Sound Projector» 42, p. 812-818 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 6, p. 812-818 (1996) | Rubrics: 07.13 07.19
Borisov S.V., Korotchenko R.A., Rutenko A.N., Trofimov M.Yu. «Numerical Modeling of the Effect of Nonlinear Internal Waves on Sound Propagation in a Shallow Sea» 42, p. 702-705 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 5, p. 702-705 (1996) | Rubrics: 07.03 07.13
Vadov R.A. «Temporal Variability of the Fine Structure of a Signal in the Ocean» 42, p. 489-495 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 4, p. 489-495 (1996) | Rubric: 07.13
Vadov R.A. «Characteristics of Underwater Explosion Sound Sources» 40, p. 677-679 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 4, p. 677-679 (1994) | Rubric: 07.13
Rudenko O.V., Sukhorukova A.K. «Nonlinear sawtooth-like wave underwater so far channel» 37, p. 984-988 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 5, p. 984-988 (1991) | Rubric: 07.13
Petukhov Yu.V. «Determination of energy on an explosive source in oceanic waveguide» 32, p. 415-419 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 3, p. 415-419 (1986) | Rubric: 07.13
Gorskaya N.S., Ostrovskii L.A., Sutin A.M. «Parametric radiation of sound in shallow sea» 29, p. 451-455 (1983)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 4, p. 451-455 (1983) | Rubric: 07.13
Petukhov Yu.V. «On interpretation of anomal behaviour of wave impulse pressure from underwater explosive source» 29, p. 247-250 (1983)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 2, p. 247-250 (1983) | Rubric: 07.13
Pelinovskii E.N., Fridman V.E., Tsodikovich L.N. «"Linear" source of explosion waves in the ocean» 29, p. 121-122 (1983)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 1, p. 121-122 (1983) | Rubric: 07.13
Rodionov L.V., Saitchev A.I. «Energy and amplitude discontinuity evolution of intensive acoustic wave in ocean» 28, p. 111-115 (1982)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 28, 1, p. 111-115 (1982) | Rubric: 07.13
Gol'dberg V.N., Zarnitsina I.G., Fedoseeva T.N., Fridman V.E. «Relaxation effects in weak shock waves propagating in the ocean» 27, p. 88-92 (1981)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 27, 1, p. 88-92 (1981) | Rubric: 07.13
Petukhov Yu.V., Fridman V.E. «Nonlinear mechanism of hydroacoustic signal anomalous attenuation» 26, p. 924-926 (1980)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 6, p. 924-926 (1980) | Rubric: 07.13
Kosenko A.V., Portugal'skii A.V., Taftai E.I. «On suppression of vapor-gas cavity pulsations in the case of electric discharge in water» 26, p. 872-878 (1980)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 6, p. 872-878 (1980) | Rubric: 07.13
Maksakov A.A., Roi N.A. «On effectivity of compression pulse radiation of compressed gas exhaust in water» 26, p. 764-768 (1980)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 5, p. 764-768 (1980) | Rubrics: 07.13 07.19
Ostrovskii L.A., Pelinovskii E.N., Fridman V.E. «Propagation of explosion pulses in near-surface ocean layers» 25, p. 103-107 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 1, p. 103-107 (1979) | Rubric: 07.13
Popov R.Yu., Tuzhilkin Yu.I. «Simulating estimation of longitudinal correlation of an explosive signal propagating in sea» 19, p. 411-419 (1973)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 3, p. 411-419 (1973) | Rubric: 07.13
Naugol'nikh K.A., Roy N.A. «Electrical and hydro dynamical characteristics of impulse corona in the water» 13, p. 417-426 (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 3, p. 417-426 (1967) | Rubric: 07.13
Zverev V.A., Kalachev A.I., Stepanov N.S. «On the use of nonlinear effects in hydro acoustics» 13, p. 380-382 (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 3, p. 380-382 (1967) | Rubric: 07.13
Haminov D.V. «The dependence of the gain of a sound focusing system upon the intensity of ultrasound in water» 3, p. 294-296 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 3, p. 294-296 (1957) | Rubric: 07.13