Rutenko A.N., Kovzel D.G., Gritsenko V.A. «Self-Contained Vertical Acoustic–Hydrophysical Measuring Systems Mollyusk-19 and Mollyusk-21» 70, p. 636-648 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 4, p. 636-648 (2024) | Rubrics: 07.16 07.18 07.20
Raevskii M.A., Burdukovskaya V.G. «The Combined Influence of Wind Waves and Internal Waves on the Coherence of Low-Frequency Acoustic Signals and the Efficiency of Their Spatial Processing in Shallow Water» 70, p. 592-607 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 4, p. 592-607 (2024) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.16 07.20
Melnikov N.P. «Variability of the Cavitation Threshold of Seawater under Natural Conditions» 70, p. 582-591 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 4, p. 582-591 (2024) | Rubrics: 07.16 07.20
Lunkov A.A., Shermeneva M.A. «Estimation of the Distance to a Local Inhomogeneity on an Acoustic Path in Shallow Water in the Presence of Background Disturbances» 70, p. 566-581 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 4, p. 566-581 (2024) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.16 07.18
Gulin O.E., Yaroshchuk I.O., Korotchenko R.A. «On the Average Field Intensity and Individual Modes of a Low-Frequency Sound Signal in a Shallow Waveguide with a Statistically Rough Bottom Boundary» 70, p. 517-535 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 4, p. 517-535 (2024) | Rubrics: 04.09 07.02 07.16
Nazarenko Yu.V., Sidorov D.D., Petnikov V.G., Pisarev S.V., Lunkov A.A. «On the Accuracy of Distance Estimates Based on Sound Signal Propagation Time on the Arctic Shelf» 70, p. 101-109 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 3, p. 101-109 (2024) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.16 07.20
Petukhov Yu.V., Borodina E.L. «Effect of a Weakly Divergent Acoustic Beam on the Spatiotemporal Structure of Pulsed Signals in an Underwater Sound Channel» 70, p. 225-231 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 2, p. 225-231 (2024) | Rubrics: 04.09 07.01 07.16
Dmitriev K.V. «Correlation Iterative Method of Acoustic Tomography with Incoherent Field Sources» 70, p. 143-155 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 2, p. 143-155 (2024) | Rubrics: 04.01 07.16 12.06
Bakushinsky A.B., Leonov A.S. «Modeling the Solution of the Acoustic Inverse Problem of Scattering for a Three-Dimensional Nonstationary Medium» 70, p. 92-103 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 1, p. 92-103 (2024) | Rubrics: 04.01 07.16 08.05 12.04
Aksenov S.P., Kuznetsov G.N. «Interference Invariants in Hydroacoustic Field Maxima in Deep Water» 70, p. 65-76 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 1, p. 65-76 (2024) | Rubrics: 07.01 07.16 07.20
Presnov D.A., Sobisevich A.L., Shurup A.S. «Determination of Ice Cover Parameters Using Seismoacoustic Noise» 69, p. 637-651 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 5, p. 637-651 (2023) | Rubrics: 04.05 07.14 07.16 07.21
Morgunov Yu.N., Golov A.A., Vojtenko T.F., Lebedev M.S., Razzhivin V.V., Kaplunenko D.D., Shkramada S.S. «Experimental Testing of Acoustic Thermometry at the Scale of the Sea of Japan with a Receiver System Placed on the Axis of an Underwater Sound Channel» 69, p. 559-568 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 5, p. 559-568 (2023) | Rubrics: 07.01 07.16 07.17 07.20
Virovlyansky A.L., Kazarova A.Yu. «The Sound Field Intensity Distribution in the Deep Sea in the “Depth–Angle–Time” Phase Space» 69, p. 515-527 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 5, p. 515-527 (2023) | Rubrics: 07.01 07.02 07.16
Burenin A.V., Lebedev M.S., Morgunov Yu.N. «Experimental Testing of the RAY Computational Program for Solving Acoustic Ranging Problems on Long Trajectories Including Shelves and Deep Seas» 69, p. 509-514 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 5, p. 509-514 (2023) | Rubrics: 07.01 07.16 07.21
Bulanov V.A., Sosedko E.V. «Features of Nonstationary and Nonlinear Sound Scattering by Bubbles and Possibilities of Their Spectroscopy» 68, p. 373-384 (2022)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 68, 4, p. 373-384 (2022) | Rubrics: 05.07 07.05 07.16
Jamshidi Siamak, Yousefi Marzieh «Experimental Evaluation of the Influence of the Seawater Characteristics on Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Sound Speed in the Southern Abyssal, Intermediate and Shelf Zones of the Caspian Sea» 67, pp. 134-146 (2021)
Acoustical Physics, 67, 2, pp. 134-146 (2021) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.16 07.20
Burov V.A., Rumyantseva O.D., Dmitriev K.V. «Controlled Anisotropic Illumination in Correlation Acoustic Tomography Schemes» 64, p. 591-597 (2018)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 64, 5, p. 591-597 (2018) | Rubric: 07.16
Godin O.A., Katsnelson B.G., Qin Jixing, Brown M.G., Zabotin N.A., Zang Xiaoqin «Application of time reversal to passive acoustic remote sensing of the ocean» 63, p. 283-295 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 3, p. 283-295 (2017) | Rubrics: 07.16 12.07
Mel’nikov N.P., Elistratov V.P. «Mesoscale spatial variability in seawater cavitation thresholds» 63, p. 187-195 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 2, p. 187-195 (2017) | Rubrics: 06.05 07.16
Kaevitser V.I., Zakharov A.I., Smol’yaninov I.V. «Study of the phase characteristics of echo signals for vertical sounding of water with signals with linear frequency modulation» 63, p. 175-179 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 2, p. 175-179 (2017) | Rubrics: 07.16 12.01
Belova N.I., Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. «Experimental research of the interference and phase structure of the power flux from a local source in shallow water» 62, p. 318-329 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 3, p. 318-329 (2016) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.16
Salomatin A.S., Yusupov V.I., Vereshchagina O.F., Chernykh D.V. «An acoustic estimate of methane concentration in a water column in regions of methane bubble release» 60, p. 638-644 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 6, p. 638-644 (2014) | Rubric: 07.16
Morgunov Yu.N., Bezotvetnykh V.V., Golov A.A., Lebedev M.S., Kim Kiseon, Park Ju-Sam «Experimental testing of a hardware and software complex for remote measurement of current velocities and temperatures in shallow sea water areas» 60, p. 623-632 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 6, p. 623-632 (2014) | Rubrics: 07.03 07.16
Burov V.A., Grinyuk A.V., Kravchenko V.N., Mukhanov P.Yu., Sergeev S.N., Shurup A.S. «Selection of modes from a shallow-water noise field by single bottom hydrophones for passive tomography purposes» 60, p. 611-622 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 6, p. 611-622 (2014) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.16
Emelyanov M.B., Salin B.M., Salin M.B., Tsiberev A.V. «Reconstruction of the time dependence and signal parameters of far-field extended wideband sources: Part 1. Reconstruction techniques and technical instruments» 60, p. 567-576 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 5, p. 567-576 (2014) | Rubrics: 07.16 11.06 12.04
Makhonin G.M. «Reconstruction of the shape of echo-sounded objects» 60, p. 546-554 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 5, p. 546-554 (2014) | Rubrics: 07.16 12.04
Goncharov V.V., Chepurin Yu.A., Godin O.A. «Passive acoustic tomography of the ocean using arrays of unknown shape» 59, p. 193-201 (2013)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 59, 2, p. 193-201 (2013) | Rubrics: 07.16 12.06
Sabinin K.D., Serebryanyi A.N. «Results of Using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers for Studying the Spatial Structure of the Marine Environment» 58, p. 639-648 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 5, p. 639-648 (2012) | Rubric: 07.16
Goncharov V.V., Ivanov V.N., Kochetov O.Yu., Kuryanov B.F., Serebryanyi A.N. «Acoustic Tomography at Shelf of the Black Sea» 58, p. 614-622 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 5, p. 614-622 (2012) | Rubric: 07.16
Morgunov Yu.N., Golov A.A., Strobykin D.S., Kim Kiseon, Kim Chansan, Ro Shinrae «Acoustic-Hydrophysical Testing of a Shallow Site in Coastal Waters of the Korean Strait» 58, p. 350-355 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 3, p. 350-355 (2012) | Rubric: 07.16
Godin O.A. «On the Possibility of Using Acoustic Reverberation for Remote Sensing of Ocean Dynamics» 58, p. 145-155 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 1, p. 145-155 (2012) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Sergeev S.N., Shurup A.S. «A Three-Dimensional Tomography Model for Reconstruction of Oceanic Inhomogeneities under Unknown Antenna Positioning» 57, p. 348-363 (2011)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 57, 3, p. 348-363 (2011) | Rubric: 07.16
Akulichev V.A., Morgunov Yu.N., Strobykin D.S. «Experimental Studies of Seasonal Variation for Temperature Fields on the Sea of Japan Shelf by Acoustical Methods» 56, p. 218-220 (2010)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 56, 2, p. 218-220 (2010) | Rubric: 07.16
Kuz’kin V.M., Pereselkov S.A. «Reconstruction of Internal Waves in Oceanic Waveguides» 55, p. 395-400 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 3, p. 395-400 (2009) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Sergeev S.N., Shurup A.S. «Using Short Curved Vertical Arrays in Ocean Acoustic Tomography» 55, p. 232-246 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 2, p. 232-246 (2009) | Rubrics: 07.16 07.19
Lazarev V.A., Mazannikov A.A., Neronov A.N., Khil’ko A.A. «Experimental Estimation of the Parameters of a Sphere by High Frequency Chirped Underwater Sound Pulses» 55, p. 198-207 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 2, p. 198-207 (2009) | Rubric: 07.16
Badalyan N.P., Burov V.A., Morozov S.A., Rumyantseva O.D. «Scattering by Acoustic Boundary Scatterers with Small Wave Sizes and Their Reconstruction» 55, p. 3-10 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 1, p. 3-10 (2009) | Rubric: 07.16
Badalyan N.P., Burov V.A., Morozov S.A., Rumyantseva O.D. «Reconstruction of Acoustic Boundary Scatterers Using the Novikov–Grinevich–Manakov Algorithm» 54, p. 990-997 (2008)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 6, p. 990-997 (2008) | Rubric: 07.16
Alekseenko N.V., Burov V.A., Rumyantseva O.D. «Solution of the Three-Dimensional Acoustic Inverse Scattering Problem. The Modified Novikov Algorithm» 54, p. 469-482 (2008)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 3, p. 469-482 (2008) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Gracheva T.V., Sergeev S.N., Shurup A.S. «A Two-Dimensional Tomography Model for the Oceanic Inhomogeneity Reconstruction with Wave and Ray Representations of Acoustic Field» 54, p. 291-306 (2008)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 2, p. 291-306 (2008) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Sergeev S.N., Shurup A.S. «The Use of Low-Frequency Noise in Passive Tomography of the Ocean» 54, p. 51-61 (2008)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 54, 1, p. 51-61 (2008) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Sergeev S.N., Shmelev A.A. «The Possibility of Reconstructing the Seasonal Variability of the Ocean by the Acoustic Tomography Methods» 53, p. 302-312 (2007)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 53, 3, p. 302-312 (2007) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Popov A.Yu., Sergeev S.N., Shurup A.S. «Ocean Acoustic Tomography with a Nonstandard Representation of Refractive Inhomogeneities» 51, p. 602-613 (2005)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 51, 5, p. 602-613 (2005) | Rubric: 07.16
Akulichev V.A., Bezotvetnykh V.V., Voitenko E.A., Kamenev S.I., Leont'ev A.P., Morgunov Yu.N. «Acoustic Remote Sensing of Currents at the Shelf of the Sea of Japan» 50, p. 581-584 (2004)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 50, 5, p. 581-584 (2004) | Rubric: 07.16
Kudryashov V.M. «Application of a Noise Signal in Acoustic Tomography of the Arctic Basin» 48, p. 216-223 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 2, p. 216-223 (2002) | Rubric: 07.16
Zakharenko A.D. «Sound Scattering from Small Compact Inhomogeneities in a Sea Waveguide: the Inverse Problem» 48, p. 200-204 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 2, p. 200-204 (2002) | Rubric: 07.16
Akulichev V.A., Bezotvetnykh V.V., Kamenev S.I., Kuz'min E.V., Morgunov Yu.N., Nuzhdenko A.V. «Acoustic Tomography of Dynamic Processes in a Sea Shelf Zone with the Use of Complex Signals» 48, p. 5-11 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 1, p. 5-11 (2002) | Rubric: 07.16
Volovov V.I., Vladimirov S.A., Gelfgat V.I., Govorov A.I., Gostev V.S., Nosova L.N. «Acoustical Mapping of the Ocean Bottom, the Requirements on the Initial Data» 47, p. 605-610 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 5, p. 605-610 (2001) | Rubric: 07.16
Goncharov V.V. «Acoustic Tomography of Currents in the Ocean by the Linearized Method of Matched Nonreciprocity» 47, p. 37-43 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 1, p. 37-43 (2001) | Rubric: 07.16
Virovlyanskii A.L., Kasarova A.Yu., Lyubavin L.Ya., Stromkov A.A. «The Effect of Inaccuracy of the a priori Information in Estimating the Mean Temperature of the Water Layer in Ocean Acoustic Tomography» 46, p. 704-706 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 5, p. 704-706 (2000) | Rubrics: 07.16 07.17
Volovov V.I., Govorov A.I. «Sea-Floor Roughness Parameters Estimated with Side-Scan Sonar at Mount Ampere» 45, p. 775-780 (1999)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 6, p. 775-780 (1999) | Rubric: 07.16
Esipov I.B., Johannessen O.N., Naugol'nykh K.A., Shang I.S., Wang Y.Y. «On the Application of a Parametric Radiator to Monitoring the Fram Strait» 45, p. 504-511 (1999)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 4, p. 504-511 (1999) | Rubric: 07.16
Virovlyansky A.L., Kazarova A.Yu., Lyubavin L.Ya., Stromkov A.A. «Measurements of Differences in Signal Travel Times over Rays on Board of a Drifting Ship» 45, p. 473-478 (1999)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 4, p. 473-478 (1999) | Rubric: 07.16
Gostev V.S., Nosova L.N., Shvachko R.F. «On the Acoustical Diagnostics of Fine-Structured Inhomogeneities in the Ocean» 44, p. 844-847 (1998)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 6, p. 844-847 (1998) | Rubric: 07.16
Galkin O.P., Shvachko L.V. «The Sound Field Structure in the Ocean at Large Distances from a Source» 44, p. 192-200 (1998)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 44, 2, p. 192-200 (1998) | Rubric: 07.16
Volovov V.I., Govorov A.I. «New Approaches to Acoustic Mapping or the Ocean Bottom» 43, p. 849-852 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 6, p. 849-852 (1997) | Rubric: 07.16
Goncharov V.V. «The Method of Matched Temporal Responses in Ocean Acoustic Tomography» 43, p. 622-629 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 5, p. 622-629 (1997) | Rubric: 07.16
Volovov V.I., Govorov A.I. «New Approaches to Acoustic Mapping of the Ocean Bottom» 43, p. 476-485 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 4, p. 476-485 (1997) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Kasatkina E.E., Rumyantseva O.D. «Statistical Estimations in Inverse Scattering Problems» 43, p. 315-322 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 3, p. 315-322 (1997) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Sergeev S.N. «Inverse Scattering Problems in the Acoustics of Moving Media» 42, p. 760-764 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 6, p. 760-764 (1996) | Rubric: 07.16
Godin O.A., Mikhin D.Yu., Mokhov A.V. «Acoustic Tomography of Ocean Currents by the Matched Nonreciprocity Method» 42, p. 501-509 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 4, p. 501-509 (1996) | Rubric: 07.16
Abrosimov D.I., Erkin A.F., Kazarova A.Yu., Kapustin P.A., Matveev A.A., Nechaev A.G., Potapov A.I., Stromkov A.A., Shargaev K.A. «Identification of ray arrivals in the acoustic tomography with a moving receiver» 41, p. 632-635 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 4, p. 632-635 (1995) | Rubric: 07.16
Kazarova A.Yu., Lyubavin L.Ya., Nechaev A.G. «Reconstruction of sea-bottom parameters from the sound field interference structure» 41, p. 451-455 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 3, p. 451-455 (1995) | Rubric: 07.16
Emets V.F. «Plane inverse problem of elastic wave scattering by a thin inclusion of high rigidity» 41, p. 432-438 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 3, p. 432-438 (1995) | Rubric: 07.16
Gostev V.S., Neklyudov V.I., Tolkachev V.Ya., Shvachko R.F. «Acoustic monitoring of inland water basins» 41, p. 232-234 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 2, p. 232-234 (1995) | Rubric: 07.16
Vadov R.A. «Instability of the sound field in the first convergence zone» 41, p. 202-208 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 2, p. 202-208 (1995) | Rubric: 07.16
Bunchuk A.V. «Characteristics of sound signals reflected from nodule abundant areas on the ocean bottom» 41, p. 194-201 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 2, p. 194-201 (1995) | Rubric: 07.16
Kur'yanov B.F., Morozov A.K., Timashkevich G.K. «Acoustic tomography of internal waves in the ocean» 41, p. 112-116 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 1, p. 112-116 (1995) | Rubric: 07.16
Gryaznova I.Yu., Gurbatov S.N. «Experimental investigation of correlation and frequency characteristics of backscattering from discrete inhomogeneities» 41, p. 83-89 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 1, p. 83-89 (1995) | Rubric: 07.16
Borodin V.V. «Statistical Approach to the Problem of Ocean Tomography. Cramer–Rao Bounds for Accuracy of Restoration of Sound Velocity Field» 40, p. 909-914 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 6, p. 909-914 (1994) | Rubric: 07.16
Virovlyanskii A.L. «Use of Ocean Acoustic Tomography for Average Temperature Measurement» 40, p. 756-761 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 5, p. 756-761 (1994) | Rubric: 07.16
Volovov V.I. «An integrated approach to navigation and oceanological problems using bottom reflected signals» 40, p. 142-144 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 1, p. 142-144 (1994) | Rubric: 07.16
Nechaev A.G., Fokin V.N., Fokina M.S. «A ray scheme of the differential method for ocean acoustic tomography» 40, p. 107-110 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 1, p. 107-110 (1994) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Rumyantseva O.D. «Linearized inverse problem of scattering in monochromatic and pulse modes» 40, p. 41-49 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 1, p. 41-49 (1994) | Rubric: 07.16
Bunchuk A.V., Khalilullov Sh.Sh. «Experimental study of sound reflection from nodule covered seafloor sites» 40, p. 35-40 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 1, p. 35-40 (1994) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Rumyantseva O.D. «Solution of two-dimensional inverse problem of acoustic scattering based on functional-analytical methods. II. Efficient application domain» 39, p. 793-803 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 5, p. 793-803 (1993) | Rubric: 07.16
Zhuravlev V.A., Kobozev I.K., Kravtsov Yu.A., Petnikov V.G., Popov V.A., Shmelev A.Yu. «Dislocation tomography of the ocean: new method for acoustic diagnostics» 39, p. 764-765 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 4, p. 764-765 (1993) | Rubric: 07.16
Volovov V.I. «Acoustic mapping of ocean bottom and its applications to sea navigation» 39, p. 605-610 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 4, p. 605-610 (1993) | Rubric: 07.16
Esipov I.B., Zimenkov S.V., Kalachev A.I., Nazarov V.E. «Sounding of oceanic vortex by directed parametric radiation» 39, p. 173-176 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 1, p. 173-176 (1993) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Prudnikova I.P., Sirotkina N.S. «Inverse problem of ultrasonic scattering by boundary inhomogeneity in isotropic solids» 38, p. 1013-1018 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 6, p. 1013-1018 (1992) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Rychagov M.N. «Diffraction tomography as inverse scattering problem. Interpolation approach. Consideration of multiple scattering» 38, p. 844-854 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 5, p. 844-854 (1992) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Rychagov M.N. «Diffraction tomography as inverse problem of scattering. interpolation approach. 1. Linearized version» 38, p. 631-643 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 4, p. 631-643 (1992) | Rubrics: 07.09 07.16
Bunchuk A.V., Volovov V.I., Govorov A.I. «Some special features of reconstruction of acoustic image of ocean floor by multielement array» 38, p. 626-630 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 4, p. 626-630 (1992) | Rubrics: 07.16 07.19
Burov V.A., Rumyantseva O.D. «Solution of two-dimensional acoustical inverse scattering problem based on functional-analytical methods» 38, p. 413-420 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 3, p. 413-420 (1992) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Sergeev S.N., Sergievskaya N.P. «Acoustic tomography of the ocean by the data of a vertical modal array distorted arbitrarily by underwater streams» 38, p. 350-353 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 2, p. 350-353 (1992) | Rubric: 07.16
Gindler I.V., Kozelskii A.R. «The frequency-dependent Green function of a shallow water waveguide as input data for determination of bottom geoacoustic parameters» 38, p. 29-33 (1992)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 38, 1, p. 29-33 (1992) | Rubric: 07.16
Burenkoff S.V., Dudko Yu.V. «On the method of sound speed profile determination of the basis of acoustic sensing data» 37, p. 886-891 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 5, p. 886-891 (1991) | Rubric: 07.16
Burlakova I.B., Petukhov Yu.V., Slavinskii M.M. «Doppler tomography method for the determination of the angular dependence of scattered by bottom tone acoustic signals in a deep-sea waveguide» 37, p. 631-635 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 4, p. 631-635 (1991) | Rubric: 07.16
Emets V.F. «Inverse problem of acoustic waves scattering by a nondeformable closed obstacle» 37, p. 469-476 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 3, p. 469-476 (1991) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Sergeev S.N. «The solution of the refraction inverse problem by the nonlinear perturbation theory method» 37, p. 431-436 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 3, p. 431-436 (1991) | Rubric: 07.16
Bogdanov A.N., Krasnoborodko V.V., Lysanov Yu.P. «Simultaneous determination of bottom relief characteristics and sound scattering by means of acoustic multielement antennae» 37, p. 246-250 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 2, p. 246-250 (1991) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Saskovets A.V., Fatkullina I.O. «Local convergence of iterative solutions of inverse scattering problems with gradual account of rescattering effects» 37, p. 30-35 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 1, p. 30-35 (1991) | Rubric: 07.16
Simanin A.A. «On a possibility of classification of water and surface rays by received signal amplitude fluctuations» 36, p. 1115-1118 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 6, p. 1115-1118 (1990) | Rubric: 07.16
Gorskaya N.S., Raevskii M.A. «On acoustic diagnostics of a frequency-angle spectrum of wind waves» 36, p. 853-857 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 5, p. 853-857 (1990) | Rubrics: 07.10 07.16
Bunchuk A.V., Volovov V.I., Zharinov D.A. «Possibility and some results of an acoustic mapping of the ocean bottom» 36, p. 599-605 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 4, p. 599-605 (1990) | Rubric: 07.16
Burov V.A., Glazkov A.V., Prudnikova I.P., Tagunov E.Ya. «The problem of the inverse scattering by piecewise-constant acoustic in homogeneities» 36, p. 214-217 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 2, p. 214-217 (1990) | Rubric: 07.16
Maltsev N.E., Sabinin K.D., Furduev A.V. «An acoustic oceanologic experiment at the lens of Mediterranean waters in the Atlantic Ocean» 36, p. 86-93 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 1, p. 86-93 (1990) | Rubric: 07.16
Burlakova I.B., Petukhov Yu.V., Slavinskii M.M. «Determination of bottom acoustic characteristics of ocean waveguides by Doppler tomography method» 35, p. 1015-1020 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 6, p. 1015-1020 (1989) | Rubric: 07.16
Lybavin L.Ya., Netchaev A.G. «Acoustic interference ocean tomography» 35, p. 703-710 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 703-710 (1989) | Rubric: 07.16
Didenkulov I.N., Netchaev A.G. «Acoustic emission ocean tomography» 35, p. 461-467 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 3, p. 461-467 (1989) | Rubric: 07.16
Gorskaya N.S., Raevskii M.A. «LF spectrum of acoustic waves by distant sounding of an anisotropic wind wave» 35, p. 439-445 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 3, p. 439-445 (1989) | Rubric: 07.16
Burlakova I.B., Golubev V.N.T Zharov A.I., Nechaev A.G., Petukhov Yu.V., Slavinsky M.M. «Doppler tomography in the ocean acoustics» 34, p. 756-758 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 4, p. 756-758 (1988) | Rubric: 07.16
Burlakova I.B., Dubovoi Yu A., Zeigman A.L., Netchaev A.G., Slavinskii M.M., Smirnov N.M. «On possibility of corrugated ocean surface acoustic tomography» 34, p. 423-430 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 3, p. 423-430 (1988) | Rubric: 07.16
Netchaev A.G., Khil'ko A.I. «Differential acoustic diagnostics of ocean random inhomogeneities» 34, p. 285-289 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 2, p. 285-289 (1988) | Rubric: 07.16
Zaitsev V.Yu., Netchaev A.G., Ostrovskii L.A. «On three-dimensional mode ocean tomography algorithm» 33, p. 1124-1125 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 6, p. 1124-1125 (1987) | Rubric: 07.16
Popov R.Yu., Tyurin P.G. «The acoustic method of control of sea dynamics» 33, p. 1114-1116 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 6, p. 1114-1116 (1987) | Rubric: 07.16
Gorskaya N.S., Raevskii M.A. «On connection of sounding acoustic wave statistical characteristics with wind waves parameters» 33, p. 463-469 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 3, p. 463-469 (1987) | Rubric: 07.16
Burlakova I.B., Saitchev A.I., Slavinskii M.M. «On spectrum of a signal with eliminated frequency drift» 33, p. 403-411 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 3, p. 403-411 (1987) | Rubric: 07.16
Andreev M.Yu. «On scattering of sound by remote bottom areas in horizontal sounding of ocean» 33, p. 96-98 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 1, p. 96-98 (1987) | Rubric: 07.16
Krasnoborod'ko V.V., Tarasenko V.M. «On a method ol sounding of acoustic fields in ocean» 32, p. 550-552 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 4, p. 550-552 (1986) | Rubric: 07.16
Akulitchev V.A., Bulanov V.A., Klenin S.A. «Acoustic sounding of gas bubbles in a marine medium» 32, p. 289-296 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 3, p. 289-296 (1986) | Rubric: 07.16
Gostev V.S., Shvatchko R.F. «Sound signals observed in geometrical shadow in ocean» 31, p. 800-802 (1985)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 31, 6, p. 800-802 (1985) | Rubric: 07.16
Virovlyanskii A.L. «On travel times of sound impulses in ocean» 31, p. 664-667 (1985)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 31, 5, p. 664-667 (1985) | Rubric: 07.16
Goncharov V.K., Kuznetsova S.N., Neuimin G.G., Sorokina N.A. «Determination of the diffusion constant of a gas in sea water from the solution of air bubbles in the medium» 30, p. 455-459 (1984)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 4, p. 455-459 (1984) | Rubric: 07.16
Ostashev V.E. «Reconstruction of the vertical sound-velocity profiles in the ocean from sound-wave refraction» 30, p. 352-357 (1984)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 30, 3, p. 352-357 (1984) | Rubric: 07.16
Voronovitch A.G., Mal'tsev N.E. «On determination of acoustical inhomogeneities of a medium using sound signals» 25, p. 860-867 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 6, p. 860-867 (1979) | Rubric: 07.16
Krasnoborod'ko V.V. «On correlation method of sound sea bottom and surface reflection coefficient measurements» 25, p. 793-794 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 5, p. 793-794 (1979) | Rubric: 07.16
Glotov V.P. «Influence of beryllium and horum microelements on volume viscosity of water and on low-frequency sound attenuation in the ocean» 22, p. 125-126 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 1, p. 125-126 (1976) | Rubric: 07.16
Glotov V.P. «Calculation of temperature dependence of the relaxation time of dissociation rate of MgSO, in fresh and sea water» 10, p. 40-47 (1964)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 1, p. 40-47 (1964) | Rubric: 07.16