Bychkov O.P., Mironyuk I.Yu., Solntsev I.A., Faranosov G.A., Yudin M.A. «Analysis of Aeroacoustic Characteristics of a Supersonic Jet at Designed Conditions Based on Numerical Simulation Data» 70, p. 110-124 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 3, p. 110-124 (2024) | Rubrics: 08.08 08.09 08.14
Bashkatov V.V., Ostrikov N.N. «Influence of the Nonlinear Operating Mode of Acoustic Liners at High Sound Pressure Levels on Sound Wave Propagation in a Cylindrical Duct with a Flow» 70, p. 11-20 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 1, p. 11-20 (2024) | Rubrics: 05.03 08.11 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Khramtsov I.V., Cherenkova E.S., Zajtsev M.Yu., Bersenev Yu.V., Ershov V.V., Kustov O.Yu., Bulbovich R.V. «Study of the Acoustic and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Lobed Nozzles» 69, p. 737-744 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 6, p. 737-744 (2023) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Zverev A.Ya. «Comparative Analysis of the Acoustic Characteristics of Composite and Metal Panels Under Sound and Pseudosound Excitation» 69, p. 249-260 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 249-260 (2023) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Belyaev I.V., Makashov S.Yu., Zaytsev M.Yu., Yudin V.G., Potapov A.V. «Ground Tests of Rectangular Nozzle with Noise Reduction Devices on Aircraft» 69, p. 242-248 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 242-248 (2023) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Palchikovskiy V.V., Kuznetsov A.A., Pavlogradskiy V.V. «Evaluation of the Impedance Variability Effect of Acoustic Liner on Aircraft Engine Fan Noise in Calculation of Far Field Sound Modes Propagation» 69, p. 230-241 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 230-241 (2023) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01 10.07
Ostrikov N.N., Yakovets M.A., Ipatov I.S., Pankratov I.V. «Validation of a Method for Determining the Modal Composition of a Tonal Sound Field in a Cylindrical Duct Based on Synchronous Measurements in the Duct and the Far Field in Absence of Flow» 69, p. 216-229 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 216-229 (2023) | Rubrics: 04.09 08.14
Kuznetsov S.V., Golubev A.Yu. «The Effect of the Step Height on the Wall Pressure Fluctuations near Its Side Edge in the Turbulent Boundary Layer» 69, p. 207-215 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 207-215 (2023) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Kopiev V.F., Ershov V.V., Khramtsov I.V., Kustov O.Yu. «Improving the Localization Accuracy of Dipole Sound Sources Using Planar Microphone Arrays» 69, p. 191-206 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 191-206 (2023) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Kopiev V.F., Bychkov O.P., Kopiev V.A., Faranosov G.A., Moralev I.A., Kazansky P.N. «Active Control of Jet–Wing Interaction Noise Using Plasma Actuators in a Narrow Frequency Band» 69, p. 177-190 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 177-190 (2023) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.09
Zaytsev M.Yu., Kopiev V.F., Velichko S.A., Belyaev I.V. «Localization and Ranking of Aircraft Noise Sources in Flight Tests and Comparison with Acoustic Measurements of a Large-Scale Wing Model» 69, p. 165-176 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 165-176 (2023) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Vishnyakov A.N., Makashov S.Yu. «Method for Optimal Analytical Approximation of Time Samplings in Analyzing Nonstationary Periodic Signals» 69, p. 155-164 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 155-164 (2023) | Rubrics: 08.14 12.02
Bychkov O.P., Faranosov G.A. «Validation of a Two-Point Jet–Wing Interaction Noise Model for a Realistic Configuration» 69, p. 146-154 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 2, p. 146-154 (2023) | Rubric: 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Chernyshev S.A. «Analysis of Secondary Sound Emission in an Acoustic Analogy with a Propagation Operator Containing Vortex Modes» 68, p. 647-669 (2022)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 68, 6, p. 647-669 (2022) | Rubrics: 08.05 08.14 10.01
Demyanov M.A. «A Correlation Method for Acoustic Sources Identification Using Multiple-Microphone Measurements» 68, p. 638-646 (2022)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 68, 6, p. 638-646 (2022) | Rubrics: 08.06 08.14
Bychkov O.P., Kopiev V.F., Faranosov G.A. «Azimuthal Decomposition of the Noise of a Dual-Stream Coaxial Jet» 68, p. 415-426 (2022)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 68, 4, p. 415-426 (2022) | Rubric: 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Bychkov O.P., Kopiev V.A., Faranosov G.A., Moralev I.A., Kazansky P.N. «Control of Instability Waves in an Unexcited Turbulent Jet Using Plasma Actuators in a Narrow Frequency Band» 67, p. 431-439 (2021)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 4, p. 431-439 (2021) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Denisov S.L., Ostrikov N.N., Granich V.Yu. «Problems of Aviation Power Plants Noise Reduction by Means of Shielding Effect» 67, p. 298-302 (2021)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 3, p. 298-302 (2021) | Rubric: 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Chernyshev S.A. «On Using Lagrangian Mechanics Methods to Analyze the Energy Balance in Compressed Gas Vortex Flows» 67, p. 98-106 (2021)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 1, p. 98-106 (2021) | Rubrics: 04.01 08.05 08.14
Rudenko O.V., Makov Yu.N. «Sonic Boom: From the Physics of Nonlinear Waves to Acoustic Ecology (a Review)» 67, p. 3-30 (2021)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 1, p. 3-30 (2021) | Rubrics: 05.03 08.10 08.14
Korolkov A.I., Knyazeva K.S., Shurup A.S. «Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Correlation Characteristics of Signals Reflected by a Rotating Propeller» 66, p. 681-689 (2020)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 66, 6, p. 681-689 (2020) | Rubrics: 08.14 12.01
Pyatunin K.R., Arkharova N.V., Remizov A.E. «How the Approach to Simulating Turbulence Influences the Accuracy of Predicting the Noise Level of a Bypass Turbojet Engine Fan» 66, p. 638-646 (2020)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 66, 6, p. 638-646 (2020) | Rubric: 08.14
Denisov S.L., Ostrikov N.N., Pankratov I.V. «Study of the Possibility Of Replacing an Integrated Airframe with a Flat Polygonal Screen to Estimate The Efficiency of Noise Screening of Engines Using Geometric Diffraction Theory» 66, p. 622-631 (2020)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 66, 6, p. 622-631 (2020) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.08
Rudenko O.V., Gusev V.A. «Moving Object: Spectra of Signals of Passive, Active Location and Transient Radiation» 66, p. 599-609 (2020)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 66, 6, p. 599-609 (2020) | Rubrics: 04.03 04.10 08.14
Denisov S.L., Kopiev V.F., Ostrikov N.N., Faranosov G.A., Chernyshev S.A. «Using the Correlation Model of Random Quadrupoles of Sources to Calculate the Efficiency of Turbulent Jet Noise Screening with Geometric Diffraction Theory» 66, p. 540-555 (2020)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 66, 5, p. 540-555 (2020) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Muraveiko A.S. «Design Study of Fan Gas-Dynamic and Aeroacoustic Characteristics» 66, p. 446-452 (2020)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 66, 4, p. 446-452 (2020) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Vorontsov V.I., Faranosov G.A., Karabasov S.A., Zaitsev M.Yu. «Comparison of the Noise Directivity Pattern of the Main Rotor of a Helicopter for Flight and Hover Modes» 66, p. 308-318 (2020)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 66, 3, p. 308-318 (2020) | Rubric: 08.14
Bychkov O.P., Demyanov M.A., Faranosov G.A. «Localization of Dipole Noise Sources Using Planar Microphone Arrays» 65, p. 675-687 (2019)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 65, 5, p. 675-687 (2019) | Rubrics: 08.14 12.04
Li Hui «Streamline Computation Study on Rotation Aerodynamic Noise Prediction of Cross-flow Fan» 65, pp. 418-431 (2019)
Acoustical Physics, 65, 4, pp. 418-431 (2019) | Rubric: 08.14
Belyaev I.V., Zaytsev, M.Yu., Kopiev V.F., Pankratov I.V. «Experimental Research on Noise Reduction for Realistic Landing Gear Geometries» 65, p. 362-371 (2019)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 65, 3, p. 362-371 (2019) | Rubric: 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Khramtsov I.V., Palchikovskiy V.V. «Study of the Peak Frequency in Turbulent Vortex Ring Noise» 65, p. 353-361 (2019)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 65, 3, p. 353-361 (2019) | Rubrics: 08.12 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Ostrikov N.N., Yakovets M.A., Ipatov M.S., Kruglyarva A.E., Sidorov S.Yu. «Radiation of Sound from the Open End of a Duct Simulating an Air Inlet under Static Conditions and in a Flow» 65, p. 59-73 (2019)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 65, 1, p. 59-73 (2019) | Rubric: 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Chernyshev S.A. «Methods of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics in Aeroacoustics Problems» 64, p. 692-703 (2018)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 64, 6, p. 692-703 (2018) | Rubrics: 04.01 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Khramtsov I.V., Zaytsev M.Yu., Cherenkova E.S., Kustov O.Yu., Palchikovskiy V.V. «Parametric Study of the Noise from Vortex Rings with Various Diameters» 64, p. 499-507 (2018)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 64, 4, p. 499-507 (2018) | Rubric: 08.14
Bychkov O.P., Faranosov G.A. «An Experimental Study and Theoretical Simulation of Jet-Wing Interaction Noise» 64, p. 437-453 (2018)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 64, 4, p. 437-453 (2018) | Rubric: 08.14
Zakharov D.D. «Erratum to: "Low frequency asymptotics of complex dispersion curves for Lamb waves in layered elastic plates"» 64, p. 122 (2018)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 64, 1, p. 122 (2018) | Rubrics: 08.14 08.15 15.05
Golubev A.Yu. «Specific Features of Pressure-Fluctuation Fields in the Vicinity of a Forward-Facing Step–Backward-Facing Step Configuration» 64, p. 56-62 (2018)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 64, 1, p. 56-62 (2018) | Rubric: 08.14
Yang Liu, Huang Jun, Yi Mingxu, Zhang Chaopu, Xiao Qian «A numerical study of the effects of design parameters on the acoustics noise of a high efficiency propeller» 63, pp. 699-710 (2017)
Acoustical Physics, 63, 6, pp. 699-710 (2017) | Rubric: 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Shur M.L., Travin A.K., Belyaev I.V., Zamtfort B.S., Medvedev Yu.V. «Assessment of community noise for a medium-range airplane with open-rotor engines» 63, p. 670-678 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 6, p. 670-678 (2017) | Rubric: 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Zaytsev M.Yu., Vorontsov V.I., Karabasov S.A., Anikin V.A. «Helicopter noise in hover: Computational modelling and experimental validation» 63, p. 651-664 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 6, p. 651-664 (2017) | Rubric: 08.14
Denisov S.L., Korolkov A.I. «Investigation of noise-shielding efficiency with the method of sequences of maximum length in application to the problems of aviation acoustics» 63, p. 419-435 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 4, p. 419-435 (2017) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.08
Kopiev V.F., Palchikovskiy V.V., Belyaev I.V., Bersenev Yu.V., Makashov S.Yu., Khramtsov I.V., Korin I.A., Sorokin E.V., Kustov O.Yu. «Construction of an anechoic chamber for aeroacoustic experiments and examination of its acoustic parameters» 63, p. 114-126 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 1, p. 114-126 (2017) | Rubrics: 08.14 11.07 14.02
Belyaev I.V., M.Yu.Zaytsev, G.A.Faranosov «Studying the effect of flap angle on the noise of interaction of a high-bypass jet with a swept wing in a co-flow» 63, p. 17-29 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 1, p. 17-29 (2017) | Rubric: 08.14
Kop’ev V.F., Zaitsev M.Yu., Ostrikov N.N., Denisov S.L., Makashov S.Yu., Anikin V.A., Gromov V.V. «On determining the acoustic properties of main helicopter rotor models on an open test bench» 62, p. 725-730 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 6, p. 725-730 (2016) | Rubric: 08.14
Zverev A.Ya. «Noise control mechanisms of inside aircraft» 62, p. 474-479 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 4, p. 474-479 (2016) | Rubrics: 08.14 11.03 10.08 10.09
Doronina O.A., Bakhvalov P.A., Kozubskaya T.K. «Numerical study of acoustic radiation dynamics of a Rankine vortex» 62, p. 462-473 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 4, p. 462-473 (2016) | Rubrics: 04.12 08.06 08.14
Belyaev I.V. «The sound field of a rotating monopole in a plug flow» 62, p. 457-461 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 4, p. 457-461 (2016) | Rubrics: 08.14 08.15
Baklanov V.S. «Role of structural noise in aircraft pressure cockpit from vibration action of new-generation engines» 62, p. 451-456 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 4, p. 451-456 (2016) | Rubrics: 08.14 13.01
Kop'ev V.F., Zaytsev M.Yu., Belyaev I.V. «Investigation of airframe noise for a large-scale wing model with high-lift devices» 62, p. 95-105 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 1, p. 95-105 (2016) | Rubric: 08.14
Belyaev I.V., Zaytsev M.Yu., Kop'ev V.F. «Effect of chevrons on the slat noise of straight and swept wings» 61, p. 754-763 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 6, p. 754-763 (2015) | Rubric: 08.14
Efimtsov B.M., Lazarev L.A. «The possibility of reducing the noise produced in an airplane cabin by the turbulent boundary layer by varying the fuselage stiffening set with its mass being invariant» 61, p. 631-635 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 5, p. 631-635 (2015) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Kop'ev V.F., Mironov M.A., Yakovets M.A. «Flow noise in a corrugated pipe in terms of the theory of instability waves» 61, p. 547-551 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 5, p. 547-551 (2015) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Efimtsov B.M., Lazarev L.A. «Evaluation of the effect of stopping selected frames on noise in the cabin of a propeller airplane» 61, p. 512-521 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 4, p. 512-521 (2015) | Rubric: 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Belyaev I.V., Zaytsev M.Yu., Kazansky P.N., Kopiev V.A., Moralev I.A. «Noise control of a flow around a cylinder using high-frequency dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators» 61, p. 196-198 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 2, p. 196-198 (2015) | Rubrics: 08.08 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Faranosov G.A. «Generalization of the method of azimuthal decomposition of an acoustic field of a compact source for measurements in the vicinity of a rigid surface» 61, p. 65-68 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 1, p. 65-68 (2015) | Rubrics: 08.12 08.14
Bazhenova L.A., Semenov A.G. «Nature of the source of vortex sound flowing around a cylindrical profile» 60, p. 645-655 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 6, p. 645-655 (2014) | Rubrics: 08.05 08.14 10.01
Bychkov O.P., Faranosov G.A. «On the possible mechanism of the jet noise intensification near a wing» 60, p. 596-610 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 6, p. 596-610 (2014) | Rubric: 08.14
Bibko V.N., Golubev A.Yu. «Main laws of the influence of a flow angularity on the parameters of pressure fluctuation fields in front of a forward-facing step and behind a backward-facing step» 60, p. 483-491 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 5, p. 483-491 (2014) | Rubrics: 05.11 05.15 08.08 08.14
Pimshtein V.G. «Sound radiation accompanying perturbation generation in turbulent jets under aeroacoustic interactions» 60, p. 466-469 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 5, p. 466-469 (2014) | Rubrics: 05.11 05.15 08.08 08.14
Kopiev V.F., Zaytsev M.Yu., Ostrikov N.N. «Subsonic jet noise suppression by a corrugated nozzle» 59, p. 232-234 (2013)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 59, 2, p. 232-234 (2013) | Rubric: 08.14
Khaletskiy Yu.D. «Effectiveness of Combined Aircraft Engine Noise Suppressors» 58, p. 556-562 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 4, p. 556-562 (2012) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.09
Zaitsev M.Yu., Belyaev I.V., Kopiev V.F., Mironov M.A. «An Experimental Study of Reducing Narrowband Noise of a Slat Using Chevrons» 58, p. 450-458 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 4, p. 450-458 (2012) | Rubric: 08.14
Efimtsov B.M., Lazarev L.A. «A Complex of Analytical Models for Predicting Noise in an Aircraft Cabin» 58, p. 443-449 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 4, p. 443-449 (2012) | Rubric: 08.14
Belyaev I.V. «The Effect of an Aircraft’s Boundary Layer on Propeller Noise» 58, p. 425-433 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 4, p. 425-433 (2012) | Rubric: 08.14
Mironov M.A. «A Possible Approach to Optimization of Parameters of Sound-Absorbing Structures for Multimode Waveguides» 57, p. 741-745 (2011)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 57, 6, p. 741-745 (2011) | Rubric: 08.14
Kuznetsov V.M. «The Way to Decrease Efficiently the Noises Generated by the Jets of Passenger Aircrafts» 56, p. 91-102 (2010)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 56, 1, p. 91-102 (2010) | Rubric: 08.14
Sobolev A.F., Ushakov V.G., Filippova R.D. «Homogeneous Sound-Absorbing Structures for Aircraft Engine Ducts» 55, p. 749-759 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 6, p. 749-759 (2009) | Rubric: 08.14
Self Rod H., Azarpeyvand Mahdi «Jet noise prediction using different turbulent scales» 55, pp. 433-440 (2009)
Acoustical Physics, 55, 3, pp. 433-440 (2009) | Rubrics: 04.11 05.11 08.14
Efimtsov B.M., Lazarev L.A. «Analysis of the Sound Transmission Loss of Panels with Resonant Systems on the Basis of Equivalent Representations» 51, p. 360-365 (2005)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 51, 3, p. 360-365 (2005) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.07
Kuznetsov V.M. «Noise Control Problems of Passenger Airplanes (A Review)» 49, p. 293-317 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 3, p. 293-317 (2003) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01
Kudashev E.B. «Measurement of Wall Pressure Fluctuations in the Presence of Vibrations Induced by a Turbulent Flow» 49, p. 215-223 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 2, p. 215-223 (2003) | Rubric: 08.14
Efimtsov B.M., Zosimov V.V., Romashov A.V., Rybak S.A. «Correlation of Pressure Fluctuations with Tangential Stresses in a Turbulent Boundary Layer» 49, p. 127-129 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 1, p. 127-129 (2003) | Rubric: 08.14
Antonov V.P., Kuz'menko A.K., Svet V.D., Spitsyn E.I. «Experimental Study of the Acoustic Navigation of a Helicopter by Its Noise Radiation» 46, p. 740-747 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 6, p. 740-747 (2000) | Rubric: 08.14
Sobolev A.F. «Wide-Band Sound-Absorbing Structures for Aircraft Engine Ducts» 46, p. 536-544 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 4, p. 536-544 (2000) | Rubric: 08.14
Pimshtein V.G. «The effect of a cavity in the nozzle on turbulent jet noise» 41, p. 483-486 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 3, p. 483-486 (1995) | Rubric: 08.14
Sobolev A.F., Solov'eva N.M., Filippova R.D. «A way to expand the frequency range of sound-absorbent liners for aircraft power plants» 41, p. 146-152 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 1, p. 146-152 (1995) | Rubric: 08.14
Kozhevnikova I.K., Samokhin V.F. «Sound Sources of a Tail-Rotor Helicopter» 40, p. 962-968 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 6, p. 962-968 (1994) | Rubric: 08.14
Il'in V.P., Levkovskii Yu.L. «Study of airfoil vibrations influence on trailing edge noise» 39, p. 489-497 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 3, p. 489-497 (1993) | Rubric: 08.14
Vlasov E.V., Ginevskii A.S., Karavosov R.K. «Effect of mode composition of acoustic perturbations on aero acoustic characteristics of a turbulent jet» 32, p. 526-527 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 4, p. 526-527 (1986) | Rubric: 08.14
Zhvalov V.P., Zhukov E.N., Sorkin L.I., Tolstoshejev M.N. «Internal noise of turbojet» 26, p. 55-61 (1980)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 1, p. 55-61 (1980) | Rubric: 08.14
Zhmulin E.M., Munin A.G., Tupolev A.A., Tcheremukhin G.A. «Noise caused by supersonic transport aircraft on ground» 25, p. 521-527 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 4, p. 521-527 (1979) | Rubric: 08.14
Mel'nikov B.N. «Experimental study of helicopter noise as dependent on its flight conditions» 25, p. 450-453 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 3, p. 450-453 (1979) | Rubric: 08.14
Vlasov E.V., Samokhin V.F. «Study of aerodynamic, noise of gliders» 23, p. 550-556 (1977)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 23, 4, p. 550-556 (1977) | Rubric: 08.14
Glaznev V.N. «On acoustic field of supersonic sub extended jet impinging on an obstacle» 23, p. 254-259 (1977)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 23, 2, p. 254-259 (1977) | Rubric: 08.14
Antonov A.N., Gorbunov V.N., Shalaev S.P. «On discrete component in spectrum of supersonic jet noise» 23, p. 185-192 (1977)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 23, 2, p. 185-192 (1977) | Rubric: 08.14
Krasil'nikova T.N. «On aerodynamic noise scattering by hard and soft surfaces» 22, p. 892-898 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 6, p. 892-898 (1976) | Rubric: 08.14
Gershman S.G., Svet V.D. «Experimental investigation of certain statistical vibrational characteristics of aircraft engine» 21, p. 711-720 (1975)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 21, 5, p. 711-720 (1975) | Rubric: 08.14
Mel'nikov B.N., Mkhitaryan A.M., Tokarev V.I., Shmakov I.P. «Optimal climbing trajectories of commercial aircrafts in respect to noise annoyance» 19, p. 290-292 (1973)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 19, 2, p. 290-292 (1973) | Rubric: 08.14
Nekipelov M.I. «Noise of passing aircrafts and subjective estimation of its disturbing action» 18, p. 74-81 (1972)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 1, p. 74-81 (1972) | Rubric: 08.14
Mel'nikov B.N. «Noise on the ground during the take-off and landing of civil jet aircraft TU-124» 11, p. 207-209 (1965)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 11, 2, p. 207-209 (1965) | Rubric: 08.14
Mel'nikov B.N. «On dependence of engine noise of Tu-124 plane upon its flight speed» 10, p. 327-329 (1964)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 3, p. 327-329 (1964) | Rubrics: 08.14 10.01