Dmitriev K.V. «Correlation Iterative Method of Acoustic Tomography with Incoherent Field Sources» 70, p. 143-155 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 2, p. 143-155 (2024) | Rubrics: 04.01 07.16 12.06
Tsysar S.A., Rosnitskiy P.B., Asfandiyarov S.A., Petrosyan S.A., Khokhlova V.A., Sapozhnikov O.A. «Phase Correction of the Channels of a Fully Populated Randomized Multielement Therapeutic Array Using the Acoustic Holography Method» 70, pp. 82-89 (2024)
Acoustical Physics, 70, 1, pp. 82-89 (2024) | Rubrics: 12.01 12.06 12.07
Цысарь С.А., Николаев Д.А., Сапожников О.А. «Широкополосная виброметрия двумерной ультразвуковой решетки методом нестационарной акустической голографии» 67, p. 328-337 (2021)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 67, 3, p. 328-337 (2021) | Rubric: 12.06
Presnov D.A., Sobisevich A.L., Gruzdev P.D., Ignatiev V.I., Kon’kov A.I., Moreev A.Yu., Tarasov A.V., Shuvalov A.A., Shurup A.S. «Tomographic Estimation of Waterbody Parameters in the Presence of Ice Cover Using Seismoacoustic Sources» 65, p. 688-698 (2019)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 65, 5, p. 688-698 (2019) | Rubrics: 07.14 12.06
Rumyantseva O.D., Shurup A.S. «Equation for wave processes in inhomogeneous moving media and functional solution of the acoustic tomography problem based on it» 63, p. 94-103 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 1, p. 94-103 (2017) | Rubrics: 04.03 12.02 12.06
Goncharov V.V., Shurup A.S., Godin O.A., Zabotin N.A., Vedenev A.I., Sergeev S.N., Brown M.G., Shatravin A.V. «Tomographic inversion of measured cross-correlation functions of ocean noise in shallow water using ray theory» 62, p. 431-441 (2016)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 62, 4, p. 431-441 (2016) | Rubrics: 07.02 07.15 12.06
Burov V.A., Shmelev A.A., Kryukov R.V., Rumyantseva O.D. «Role of nonlinear interactions in third-order acoustic tomography» 61, p. 669-684 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 6, p. 669-684 (2015) | Rubrics: 05.07 12.06
Liu Yan, Liu Shi, Lei Jing, Liu Jing, Schlaberg H.Inaki, Yan Yong «A method for simultaneous reconstruction of temperature and concentration distribution in gas mixtures based on acoustic tomography» 61, pp. 597-605 (2015)
Acoustical Physics, 61, 5, pp. 597-605 (2015) | Rubrics: 12.06 14.04
Burov V.A., Sergeev S.N., Shurup A.S., Shcherbina A.V. «Tomographic reconstruction of the characteristics of a shallow-water bottom» 61, p. 583-595 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 5, p. 583-595 (2015) | Rubrics: 07.02 12.06
Burov V.A., Zotov D.I., Rumyantseva O.D. «Reconstruction of the sound velocity, absorption spatial distributions in soft biological tissue phantoms from experimental ultrasound tomography data» 61, p. 254-273 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 2, p. 254-273 (2015) | Rubrics: 12.06 13.02
Burov V.A., Zotov D.I., Rumyantseva O.D. «Reconstruction of spatial distributions of sound velocity and absorption in soft biological tissues using model ultrasonic tomographic data» 60, p. 443-456 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 4, p. 443-456 (2014) | Rubrics: 12.06 13.03
Burov V.A., Shurup A.S., Zotov D.I., Rumyantseva O.D. «Simulation of a Functional Solution to the Acoustic Tomography Problem for Data from Quasi-Point Transducers» 59, p. 391-407 (2013)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 59, 3, p. 391-407 (2013) | Rubrics: 12.04 12.06
Goncharov V.V., Chepurin Yu.A., Godin O.A. «Passive acoustic tomography of the ocean using arrays of unknown shape» 59, p. 193-201 (2013)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 59, 2, p. 193-201 (2013) | Rubrics: 07.16 12.06
Burov V.A., Shmelev A.A., Zotov D.I. «A prototype for a tomography system using third-order acoustic nonlinear effects» 59, p. 31-51 (2013)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 59, 1, p. 31-51 (2013) | Rubrics: 05.02 12.06
Kuznetsov V.M. «Identifying Turbulent Jet Sound Sources» 58, p. 498-508 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 4, p. 498-508 (2012) | Rubrics: 04.11 12.06
Kryukov R.V. «Role of Entropy Perturbations in Third-Order Nonlinear Acoustic Tomography Problems» 58, p. 184-192 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 2, p. 184-192 (2012) | Rubric: 12.06
Burov V.A., Kryukov R.V., Rumyantseva O.D., Shmelev A.A. «Problems in Using Nonlinear Collinear Processes in Third-Order Acoustical Tomography» 58, p. 57-79 (2012)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 58, 1, p. 57-79 (2012) | Rubric: 12.06
Tsysar' S.A., Sinel'nikov E.D., Sapozhnikov O.A. «Characterization of Cylindrical Ultrasonic Transducers Using Acoustic Holography» 57, p. 104-116 (2011)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 57, 1, p. 104-116 (2011) | Rubric: 12.06
Simonova V.A., Pelivanov I.M., Panchenko V.Ya., Karabutov A.A. «Lateral Spatial Resolution of Widened Focused Transducer Array for Optoacoustic Tomography» 56, p. 693-698 (2010)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 56, 5, p. 693-698 (2010) | Rubric: 12.06
Burov V.A., Matveev O.V., Rumyantseva O.D. «A Spatial Correlation Method for Reconstructing Blood Flow Velocity Vector in the Nonlinear Tomography» 56, p. 268-276 (2010)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 56, 2, p. 268-276 (2010) | Rubric: 12.06
Simonova V.A., Khokhlova T.D., Karabutov A.A. «Wideband Focused Transducer Array for Optoacoustic Tomography» 55, p. 822-827 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 6, p. 822-827 (2009) | Rubric: 12.06
Rumyantseva O.D., Burov V.A., Konyushkin A.L., Sharapov N.A. «Increased Resolution of Two-Dimensional Tomography Imaging Along the Transverse Coordinate and Separate Reconstruction of Elastic and Viscous Scatterer Characteristics» 55, p. 606-622 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 4-5, p. 606-622 (2009) | Rubric: 12.06
Burov V.A., Evtukhov S.N., Tkacheva A.M., Rumyantseva O.D. «Acoustic Tomography of the Nonlinear Parameter by a Small Number of Transducers» 52, p. 760-776 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 6, p. 760-776 (2006) | Rubrics: 05.08 12.06
Mirgorodskii V.I., Gerasimov V.V., Peshin S.V. «Experimental Studies of Passive Correlation Tomography of Megahertz Incoherent Acoustic Sources» 52, p. 702-709 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 5, p. 702-709 (2006) | Rubrics: 06.18 12.06
Burov V.A., Matveev O.V., Nesterova E.V., Rumyantseva O.D. «Reconstruction of the Distribution Pattern for the Bloodstream Velocity Vector in the Acoustic Tomography Procedure» 52, p. 607-623 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 5, p. 607-623 (2006) | Rubrics: 12.06 13.03
Sapozhnikov O.A., Ponomarev A.E., Smagin M.A. «Transient Acoustic Holography for Reconstructing the Particle Velocity of the Surface of an Acoustic Transducer» 52, p. 385-392 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 3, p. 385-392 (2006) | Rubric: 12.06
Bograchev K.M. «Comparison of the Efficiencies of Fourier, Wavelet Expansions in Passive Acoustic Thermal Tomography» 51, p. 293-300 (2005)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 51, 3, p. 293-300 (2005) | Rubrics: 06.18 12.06
Zverev V.A. «The Principle of Acoustic Time Reversal, Holography» 50, p. 792-801 (2004)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 50, 6, p. 792-801 (2004) | Rubrics: 12.06 12.07
Burov V.A., Darialashvili P.I., Evtukhov S.N., Rumyantseva O.D. «Experimental Modeling of the Processes of Active–Passive Thermoacoustic Tomography» 50, p. 298-310 (2004)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 50, 3, p. 298-310 (2004) | Rubrics: 06.18 12.06
Burov V.A., Grishina I.M., Lapshenkina O.I., Morozov S.A., Rumyantseva O.D., Sukhov E.G. «Reconstruction of the Fine Structure of an Acoustic Scatterer against the Distorting Influence of Its Large-Scale Inhomogeneities» 49, p. 738-750 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 6, p. 738-750 (2003) | Rubrics: 12.04 12.06
Bograchev K.M., Passechnik V.I. «Standard Source Method in Passive Acoustic Thermal Tomography» 49, p. 474-480 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 4, p. 474-480 (2003) | Rubric: 12.06
Burov V.A., Kasatkina E.E., Rumyantseva O.D., Sukhov E.E. «Inverse Problem of a Statistical Estimation of Scatterer Characteristics with Model Examples» 49, p. 348-358 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 3, p. 348-358 (2003) | Rubrics: 07.04 12.06
Burov V.A., Kasatkina E.E., Rumyantseva O.D., Filimonov S.A. «Simulation of the Tomographic Reconstruction of Thermoacoustic Sources. I. Iteration-Correlation Methods» 49, p. 167-177 (2003)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 49, 2, p. 167-177 (2003) | Rubrics: 06.18 12.06
Burov V.A., Darialashvili P.I., Rumyantseva O.D. «Active-Passive Thermoacoustic Tomography» 48, p. 474-484 (2002)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 48, 4, p. 474-484 (2002) | Rubrics: 06.18 12.06
Matveev A.L., Mityugov V.V., Potapov A.I. «Space-Time Acoustic Holography of Moving Inhomogeneities» 47, p. 246-252 (2001)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 47, 2, p. 246-252 (2001) | Rubric: 12.06
Vatul'yan A.O., Solov'ev A.N. «Field Reconstruction in an Anisotropic Elastic Medium» 46, p. 451-455 (2000)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 46, 4, p. 451-455 (2000) | Rubric: 12.06
Vdovicheva N.K., Turchin V.I., Fiks I.Sh. «Reconstruction of the Far Field of an Extended Noise Source from Near-Field Measurements» 45, p. 767-774 (1999)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 45, 6, p. 767-774 (1999) | Rubric: 12.06
Burov V.A., Konyushkin A.L., Rumyantseva O.D. «Two- and Three-Dimensional Acoustic Tomography of Multidimensional Scatterers with the Use of Incomplete Data» 43, p. 463-469 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 4, p. 463-469 (1997) | Rubric: 12.06
Osetrov A.V., Samolenkov S.N. «Two Models of Acoustic Scatterers in Diffraction Tomography» 42, p. 679-687 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 5, p. 679-687 (1996) | Rubric: 12.06
Soustova I.A., Sutin A.M., Yoon S.W. «Nonlinear acoustic tomography of bubble clouds» 42, p. 254-261 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 2, p. 254-261 (1996) | Rubric: 12.06
Borodin V.V., Minasyan G.R. «On validity limits of mode, ray, and interference tomography» 41, p. 34-44 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 1, p. 34-44 (1995) | Rubric: 12.06
Burov V.A., Gurinovich I.E., Rudenko O.V., Tagunov E.Ya. «Reconstruction of the Spatial Distribution of the Nonlinearity Parameter, Sound Velocity in Acoustic Nonlinear Tomography» 40, p. 922-929 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 6, p. 922-929 (1994) | Rubrics: 05.05 12.06
Bazulin E.G. «Imaging of longitudinal super-resolution scatterers by multifrequency digital acoustic holograms in process of construction of echo-signals spectra AR-model» 39, p. 213-222 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 2, p. 213-222 (1993) | Rubric: 12.06
Stolyarov E.P, Chernyak E.A., Shiryukov S.V. «Separation method of effective acoustic signal against correlated interference background» 39, p. 152-158 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 1, p. 152-158 (1993) | Rubric: 12.06
Gorbunov M.E. «Solution of inverse problem of acoustic tomography of impulse laser beams» 37, p. 1124-1129 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 6, p. 1124-1129 (1991) | Rubrics: 12.04 12.06
Aben Kh.K., Puro A.E. «Integral acoustoelasticity – acoustic tomography of the three-dimensional stressfield» 37, p. 1061-1067 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 6, p. 1061-1067 (1991) | Rubric: 12.06
Osetrov A.V. «Theory of the spatial-temporal diffraction tomography with scanning of a single radiator-receiver along a plane» 37, p. 528-534 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 3, p. 528-534 (1991) | Rubric: 12.06
Bazulin E.G. «Two-dimensional adaptive spectrum extrapolation of multifrequency acoustic holograms» 37, p. 8-16 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 1, p. 8-16 (1991) | Rubric: 12.06
Osetrov A.V. «Stability estimation of super resolution holographic methods with correlated measurement errors» 36, p. 913-919 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 5, p. 913-919 (1990) | Rubric: 12.06
Badalyan V.G., Bazulin E.G. «Use of pseudorandom sequences in a digital acoustic holography» 35, p. 784-790 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 5, p. 784-790 (1989) | Rubric: 12.06
Lukin A.N. «Evaluation of point source coordinates, placed in the vicinity of two media interface» 35, p. 696-702 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 4, p. 696-702 (1989) | Rubric: 12.06
Zharov V.P., Simanovskii Ya.O. «On acoustic tomography of pulsed laser beams» 35, p. 556-557 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 3, p. 556-557 (1989) | Rubric: 12.06
Vasilyauskas R.S., Palyavitchyus A.P., Ragul'skis K.M. «Analysis of ultrasonic transducer holography interferograms by study of spatial vibrations» 34, p. 998-1003 (1988)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 34, 6, p. 998-1003 (1988) | Rubric: 12.06
Ginzburg V.M., Nikolaev V.Ya., Sukhov V.I. «Real lime tomographical formation method of dynamical object optics images using high-speed scanning» 33, p. 770-772 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 4, p. 770-772 (1987) | Rubrics: 12.05 12.06
Badalyan V.G., Bazulin E.G. «Application of the adaptive extrapolation method to acoustic holography» 33, p. 190-193 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 2, p. 190-193 (1987) | Rubric: 12.06
Vorob'ev V.V., Gratcheva M.E., Gurvitch A.S. «Acoustic tomography of impulsed laser beams» 32, p. 457-461 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 4, p. 457-461 (1986) | Rubric: 12.06
Kakauridze G.A., Keniya I.R. «On surface resonance effect in acoustic holography» 32, p. 120-123 (1986)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 32, 1, p. 120-123 (1986) | Rubric: 12.06