Subbotkin A.O. «Analysis of the Vibrational Process Inside an Acoustic Interference Array Using the Reverberation Matrix Method» 70, p. 126-140 (2024)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 70, 1, p. 126-140 (2024) | Rubrics: 06.17 14.01 14.02 14.08
Isaev A.E., Khatamtaev B.I. «The Acoustic Center of a Measuring Hydrophone» 69, p. 63-72 (2023)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 69, 1, p. 63-72 (2023) | Rubric: 14.08
Babii V.I. «On the metrology of the speed of sound in liquids» 63, p. 251-264 (2017)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 63, 3, p. 251-264 (2017) | Rubrics: 06.01 14.08
Isaev A.E., Chernikov I.V. «Laboratory calibration of an underwater sound receiver in the reverberation field of a noise signal» 61, p. 736-744 (2015)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 61, 6, p. 736-744 (2015) | Rubric: 14.08
Astashev M.E., Belosludtsev K.N., Kharakoz D.P. «Method for digital measurement of phase-frequency characteristics for a fixed-length ultrasonic spectrometer» 60, p. 312-319 (2014)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 60, 3, p. 312-319 (2014) | Rubrics: 06.02 13.04 14.08
Isaev A.E., Matveev A.N., Nekrich G.S., Polikarpov A.M. «Free-field calibration of a pressure gradient receiver in a reflecting water tank using a linear frequency-modulated signal» 59, p. 773-781 (2013)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 59, 6, p. 773-781 (2013) | Rubrics: 07.20 14.08
Isaev A.E., Matveev A.N. «Calibration of Hydrophones in a Field with Continuous Radiation in a Reverberating Pool» 55, p. 727-736 (2009)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 55, 6, p. 727-736 (2009) | Rubric: 14.08
Surkaev A.L., Kul'kov V.G. «Investigation of a Pulsed Waveguide Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor» 52, p. 264-268 (2006)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 52, 2, p. 264-268 (2006) | Rubrics: 14.02 14.08
Volovov V.I., Govorov A.I. «In-Field Calibration of Multi-Element Acoustic Antenna Arrays» 43, p. 328-332 (1997)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 43, 3, p. 328-332 (1997) | Rubric: 14.08
Semenov A.G., Sheiko V.V. «Test Reverberation Chambers: A Study of the Sound Absorption Properties of Horns and Air Offtake Perforations» 42, p. 123-133 (1996)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 42, 1, p. 123-133 (1996) | Rubric: 14.08
Erofeev A.V., Pasechnik V.I. «Calibration of piezoelectric transducers by thermal acoustic radiation» 41, p. 642-643 (1995)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 41, 4, p. 642-643 (1995) | Rubric: 14.08
Gordienko V.A., Gordienko E.L., Dryndin A.V., Likhachev S.M. «Absolute pressure calibration of acoustic receivers in a vibrating column of liquid» 40, p. 243-246 (1994)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 40, 2, p. 243-246 (1994) | Rubric: 14.08
Pashin A.E., Fokin A.V. «Three-chamber cell for gas-microphone optoacoustic spectroscopy» 39, p. 715-723 (1993)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 39, 4, p. 715-723 (1993) | Rubric: 14.08
Zhukov A.N., Ivannikov A.N., Pavlov V.I., Holodova S.V. «Experimental investigation of functional features of the multielement acoustic space intensity sensor» 37, p. 689-694 (1991)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 37, 4, p. 689-694 (1991) | Rubric: 14.08
Dimov S., Tsaneva L. «A screening method of an automatic light control of a supernormal noise level» 36, p. 774 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 4, p. 774 (1990) | Rubric: 14.08
Dragan S.P., Lebedeva I.V. «Characteristics of oscillating velocity sensors in a wide dynamic range» 36, p. 170-173 (1990)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 36, 1, p. 170-173 (1990) | Rubric: 14.08
Ekimov A.E., Kolodieva I.I., Korotin P.I., Salin B.M., Tyutin V.A. «Methods of evaluation and effectivity control of vibroinsulating mountings, using the reciprocity principle» 35, p. 43-46 (1989)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 35, 1, p. 43-46 (1989) | Rubric: 14.08
Dolya V.K. «On possibility of electroacoustic transducer self calibration satisfying the reciprocity theorem» 33, p. 629-633 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 4, p. 629-633 (1987) | Rubric: 14.08
Borisov S.A., Lebedeva I.V. «Method of resonant tubes for calibration of vibrational velocity sensors» 33, p. 101-104 (1987)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 33, 1, p. 101-104 (1987) | Rubric: 14.08
Indlin Yu.A. «Simple procedure for calculating noise loudness levels» 29, p. 50-54 (1983)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 29, 1, p. 50-54 (1983) | Rubric: 14.08
Golenitsev-Kutuzov V.A., Migatchev S.A., Tarasov V.F., Shamukov N.A. «Narrow-band tunable acoustic filler» 27, p. 786-787 (1981)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 27, 5, p. 786-787 (1981) | Rubric: 14.08
Pukhova S.M., Tsukernikov I.E. «Calculation of radiation pattern of acoustical radiator of arbitrary shape on the basis of near field sound pressure measurements on the surface of a finite circular cylinder» 26, p. 122-126 (1980)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 26, 1, p. 122-126 (1980) | Rubric: 14.08
Ermolaeva E.O., Zakharov L.N., Romanyuk B.I. «On low frequency calibration of vibrational velocity receivers in liquid layer» 25, p. 72-76 (1979)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 25, 1, p. 72-76 (1979) | Rubric: 14.08
Velizhanina K.A., Yastrebov V.V. «Small chamber method for investigation of sound absorbing systems for high level sound» 24, p. 130-132 (1978)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 24, 1, p. 130-132 (1978) | Rubric: 14.08
Dmitrevskii N.N., Pavlov L.E., Sil'vestrov S.V. «Use of impedance method for determination of piezoelectric sound receivers sensitivity» 22, p. 357-361 (1976)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 22, 3, p. 357-361 (1976) | Rubric: 14.08
Tamm U.P. «An error of meansquare level measurements of acoustic signals due to amplitude limitation of signals in the measuring apparatus» 20, p. 648-650 (1974)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 4, p. 648-650 (1974) | Rubric: 14.08
Gorbunova E.K., Kozlova N.N., Seisyan E.L., Tairov V.N. «Electret studio microphone» 20, p. 625-627 (1974)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 20, 4, p. 625-627 (1974) | Rubric: 14.08
Bogolepov I.I., Zaborov V.I., Retling E.V. «On evaluation of the results of sound insulation measurements» 18, p. 313-316 (1972)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 2, p. 313-316 (1972) | Rubrics: 10.07 14.08
Zakharov L.N., Kirshov V.A., Rozhin F.V. «Spatial correlation functions of vibrational velocity components for two models of a sound field» 18, p. 49-52 (1972)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 18, 1, p. 49-52 (1972) | Rubric: 14.08
Zakharov L.N. «On calibration methods for hydro acoustical receivers of vibrational velocity» 17, p. 558-562 (1971)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 17, 4, p. 558-562 (1971) | Rubric: 14.08
Kofman S.E. «On the possibility of reverberation suppression by electro acoustical means» 17, p. 254-257 (1971)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 17, 2, p. 254-257 (1971) | Rubric: 14.08
Borisov Yu.Ya., Mamin V.M. «On microphone calibration with the aid of a supersonic jet» 17, p. 150-151 (1971)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 17, 1, p. 150-151 (1971) | Rubric: 14.08
Rivin A.N. «Frequency method of an anechoic chamber test» 13, p. 432-435 (1967)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 13, 3, p. 432-435 (1967) | Rubric: 14.08
Dombrovskii R.V. «Industrial sound – absorbent facings for an echoic measuring chambers» 12, p. 484-485 (1966)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 12, 4, p. 484-485 (1966) | Rubrics: 10.08 14.08
Pisarevskii N.N. «Use of isocorrelation curves for characterization of sound field structure in reverberant chambers» 10, p. 377-380 (1964)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 10, 3, p. 377-380 (1964) | Rubric: 14.08
Korotkov V. «On introduction of International Unit System in USSR» 9, p. 257-260 (1963)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 9, 2, p. 257-260 (1963) | Rubrics: 14.07 14.08 15.05
Dombrovskii R.V., Kalustjan R.T. «Unechoic chamber with wedge-shape absorbers, made of staple glass fibre» 8, p. 364-367 (1962)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 3, p. 364-367 (1962) | Rubric: 14.08
Lebedeva I.V. «On techniques measurement of acoustical materials in a reverberation chamber» 8, p. 334-339 (1962)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 8, 3, p. 334-339 (1962) | Rubric: 14.08
Efrussi M.M. «Modern audiometers and hearing aids. Review» 7, p. 403-414 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 4, p. 403-414 (1961) | Rubrics: 04.14 13.06 14.08
Rivin A.N. «An anechoic chamber» 7, p. 324-336 (1961)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 7, 3, p. 324-336 (1961) | Rubric: 14.08
Lebedeva I.V. «An experimental study of reverberation room of the Acoustic Department in the Moscow State University» 6, p. 326-334 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 3, p. 326-334 (1960) | Rubric: 14.08
Rivin A.N., Cherpak V.A. «Reciprocity calibration of pressure microphones for sound measurement» 6, p. 252-260 (1960)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 6, 2, p. 252-260 (1960) | Rubric: 14.08
Golikov E.E. «A system for measurement of articulation scores in rooms» 4, p. 362-363 (1958)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 4, 4, p. 362-363 (1958) | Rubric: 14.08
Motulevitch G.P., Fabelinsky I.L. «Optical method of absolute ñàllibration of sound radiator at low frequencies» 3, p. 205-206 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 2, p. 205-206 (1957) | Rubric: 14.08
Velizhanina K.A., Rzhevkin S.N. «Research of the Soundabsorber for the Dead-Room of Physical Faculty of the Moscow State University» 3, p. 23-28 (1957)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 3, 1, p. 23-28 (1957) | Rubric: 14.08
Zverev V.A. «On the possibility of the absolute calibration of transmitters and receivers of sound by radiation pressure without the use of radiometer» 2, p. 378-379 (1956)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 4, p. 378-379 (1956) | Rubric: 14.08
Golikov E.E. «On the new coefficients of qualitative assessment of room acoustics» 2, p. 255-266 (1956)
Akusticheskij Zhurnal, 2, 3, p. 255-266 (1956) | Rubric: 14.08